Chapter 46

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"What are you doing?"


When Niall doesn't actually answer, Liam stretches and rubs his face against the pillow before blearily opening one eye. Niall is on his side, the sheet gathered loosely around his hips, a gentle smile on his face, and a sort of hesitant look in his eyes as he stops moving his hand when Liam looks at him. He's been drawing on Liam's bare back with his fingers, that much Liam can figure out.The events of last night replay in his mind, and he slowly smiles as he looks at Niall.

"Morning," He murmurs, voice still sleep husky and throat a little sore from what he got. Or down to, if he's wanting to be literal. It's too early in the morning for literal, he decides.

"Morning," Niall whispers, still looking nervous, like a skittish animal at the vet or something. "Did you, uh, sleep okay?"

"Yeah." Liam rolls onto his side so he's facing Niall, opening both eyes now and waking up a little more as his actions cause the sheet to drift lower on Niall's body. Distracted for a moment, he licks his lips and just stares.

"Good. That's good." Niall's hand is on Liam's side now, his fingers drawing random designs against his hipbone. It's an oddly intimate gesture, both of them naked and marked from the vigorous sex they had the night before. Several times. There's dried come on Niall's abdomen, Liam's neck feels a bit raw from where Niall sucked and bit at it, there are bruises on Niall's thighs from Liam gripping them as they fucked the second time, and he knows Niall is probably going to have some trouble sitting down after round one and three.

"Are you okay?" Liam bites his lip as he studies Niall's face, feeling Niall's  fingers flex against his hip before he stares into his eyes.

"Yeah" Niall's voice is soft, not even a whisper. "Are you?"

"I'm perfect" Liam says, watching Niall's lips twist into a smile, bright and shining.

"I love you" Niall smiles as he draws an infinity symbol on Liam's ribs.

Liam stares at him for a moment, making Niall feel uneasy. It's been weeks since they reunited and even though Liam admitted his love for him, Niall still feels uncertain as every time he says 'I love you' to Liam the words aren't returned. He's tried to be understanding about it, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel the smallest amount of hurt.

"I love you too" Liam says, the words feeling foreign on his tongue. It's been a while since he last told someone he loved them.

"And why do you love me?" Niall smile is bigger now, his fingers hitting a tickling spot as he traces what feels like letters on Liam's side. His lips quirk when Liam shifts away from the fingers, outright grinning before he tickles with intent.

"Stop that, you ass." Liam slaps at his shoulder and shoves, laughing despite himself. He licks at Niall, rolling on top of him and pinning him down against the mattress. Obviously, Niall could not fight him as Liam is more stronger than him.

"Why do you love me Liam?" Niall asks voice more serious now.

Liam closed his eyes, and Niall frowned as he looked like he was in pain. Just as he is about to say something Liam speaks "I love you because I do."

He stops for a moment, opening his eyes, smiling as he stares down at the beautiful man, he has fallen in love with before continuing "I love you because the Universe showed me the way to you. I love you because my heart beats your name, my mind drowns in your eyes, my soul feels yours even when we are miles apart."

Niall can feel his eyes starting to water but he refuses to shed tears "I love you because I have no choice. I didn't ask to love you. I didn't need to love you, but I love you just the same. My arms aren't filled unless you're in them, and my thirst is not quenched unless you are the drink."

Niall let's out a chocked out chuckle, a thing Liam knows he does when his on the verge of tears but is trying to stop himself.

"I love you because I feel comfort in being out of my comfort zone with you by my side. I love you because every cell of my body responds to your touch, to your look, to the way you move and the way you sound. I love you because something, somewhere, directed me to you. It was my soul, and you are its mate."

Liam looks down at him, breathing slow and steady, staring at his lips then his eyes then back again.

"Kiss me?" Niall asks, voice sounding vulnerable.

"Morning breath," Liam reminds him, dragging his tongue over his teeth and grimacing.

"You had your tongue in my ass last night, and I had my mouth on your dick. I think we can handle morning breath." Niall gives him a rather adorably challenging look, so, obviously, Liam has to meet the challenge.

Leaning down, he presses his mouth against Niall's, feeling oddly tentative now himself. This is Niall, after all. Niall who understands his fucked up ways, who loves Liam unconditionally even though Liam has put him through so much in the short span they have known each other. Niall, who is sexy and beautiful like those ancient marble sculptures. Niall who loves him even though he doesn't deserve his love.

when Niall parts his lips and licks at Liam's mouth, he touches Niall's jaw as he kisses him, feeling warm fingers tracing letters along his spine, laughing into the kiss when he figures out that Niall's tracing his name on him, marking him in a different way. Niall kisses him a little more firmly, possessively, passionate enough that it makes Liam forget about everything except returning the kiss.

As Niall touches him, Liam can't help but think that he was Such an idiot for waiting this long to confess his feelings, because he could have had this a long time ago. He intends to makeup for the time he wasted by giving Niall the very best of him and doing everything in his power to keep him smiling and Happy.

It's been so long since an update but I'm back.

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