Chapter 45

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He's moping again, is what's happening. It's just that he's helplessly in love with someone much too good and brilliant and special for him, and the more he thinks about it, the worse it feels. He tries to remember annoying things about Niall, but distressingly, there aren't any. He spends about four hours each day staring at an airport website, contemplating getting a plane ticket to Ireland, before closing the tab and telling himself to get a grip.

Niall's probably back in London by now, anyway, and if not, he's spending time with his family. The world doesn't revolve around the union of Liam and Niall, however much it feels like it does.

So ten days after he finally comes back to London he books a hotel instead of staying at home the one that still has memories with Niall.

Liam's half-way through Batman Forever, a glass of whisky in one hand and his phone in the other when the elevator chimes to let him know he has a visitor.

He frowns and looks down at himself; slobbed across the bed in an old holey t-shirt and sweatpants, he's hardly dressed to fight off a burglar or greet a surprise guest, but before he can think to move the person comes – or rather, stumbles – into view.

"Niall!" Liam chokes, jolting and pouring his entire glass of whisky into his lap. "Fuck– what are you –?"

"Lady on the desk let me up," Niall slurs, and then, knocking his hand drunkenly against his chest, "Flirted with her, y'know. She felt sorry for me."

"Oh, right."

"I had to tell her your birthday and your credit card number so she knew I wasn't a stranger. Or a psycho."


Niall tilts his head to the side and glares at Liam suspiciously. "You went up the Empire State Building."

Liam gulps, pauses the TV carefully. "I – uh, yeah?"

"And you've been..." Niall pauses, running a hand through his hair "...hanging out with Louis."

Liam stiffens, trying to ignore the creeping damp through his sweatpants. "Just a couple of times. How do you know?" When Niall doesn't reply, Liam scrambles to his feet. "Are you mad?"

Niall laughs, a strange, high-pitched laugh that Liam hasn't heard before. "Am I mad? Good question."

"I – I'm really sorry."

"You're sorry?"

"I didn't mean to intrude or anything, I didn't know if –"

"Louis told me," Niall interrupts loudly, staring at Liam with uncomfortable intensity, his eyes dark and blood-shot, "that I should give you another chance."

Liam goes as cold as the ice-cold whisky that's now soaked its way through to his dick. "Oh," is all he says.

Niall nods, gives a closed-lipped, almost sarcastic smile, and then his gaze shifts at last, slipping slowly to the TV behind Liam. "And you're watching Batman."

"Uh –"

"You're watching Batman!" Niall wails hysterically, hands lifting to cover his face as he shakes his head in despair.

"Are you – are you all right?"

Liam edges towards him, concerned. Niall wears his heart on his sleeve, admittedly, but not like this. Not with drunken anger, not with incomprehensible exclamations of anguish.

"No!" Niall snaps, flailing a hand out to push Liam away. "No I'm not fucking okay!"

"What's happened?"

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