Chapter 23

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Niall's POV

I sigh as I slide out the bed, grabbing my phone and my boxers and shirt from the floor, quickly slipping them on. It was when I put on the shirt that I realised it wasn't mine, it was one of Liam's. The shirt came to my thighs making it look like a dress. It exposed my creamy pale skin that is covered with the bruises that Liam had left. I lift the shirt up, breathing in Liam's cologne. It smelt very manly and in a way made me feel safe.

I begin to make my way downstairs, heading into the kitchen when I hear loud music playing.

I am met with the sight of Harry singing along to the music playing, his wild long hair being shaken from side to side. The sight would be amusing if I liked him. But I don't.

Since the events that occurred I have developed a somewhat hatred towards him. Looking at his face brings flashbacks of him in Liam's lap, naked and it is something that I would like to erase from my memory.

I decide to make my presence know by clearing my throat, he jumps with fright placing his hands over his heart.

"Jesus Christ" he says "You gave me a heart attack"

"Sorry" I say with a shrug, taking a seat on the island.

"Liam said you were here, I thought you would still be sleeping" he says, the mention of him and Liam talking makes something inside me boil. I don't like it.

"Wasn't sleepy" I simply say. He nods and goes back to the task of making breakfast. Looking now at the fry pan, I can see that he is making a tacos.

I sit there silently observing him, in a way I am trying to figure out what it is that Liam could have seen in him, to make him sleep with him. I hate to admit it but a part of me is jealous.

I can see why Liam would go for him, with his mesmerising green eyes, dimple smile and his luscious long curls, he was a catch and not to mention his tall tone lanky body, that is covered with tattoos, of course Liam would go for a guy like that. He's everything a man or woman could want.

But there is just something about Harry that doesn't sit right with me, I am yet to figure out what it is but I feel like there is more to his and Liam's friendship. I get the feeling he knows more about Liam's past and Liam himself as a person then he lets on.

"Why do you live here?" I ask making him turn around, it's just a constant question that's been lingering in my mind and I feel the need to get some answers.

"That's a personal reason" He says while plating the tacos on a dish. 

"It would be nice to know, since I'm going to be living with you now" I say with a shrug, trying to act casual.

He looks at me for a moment, like his trying to figure out the motive behind my question.

"I get that you might not like me living here due to the fact that I slept with Liam in the past but it doesn't mean that I have to explain to you why I am here" he says, eyeing me. I swallow a little, he figured me out.

"It has nothing to do with that" I lie, he tilts his head to the side.

"Oh yeah?" He asks "so if I said I was still fucking him, you wouldn't care?"

I let out a gasp, staring at him. Liam wouldn't. I knew that he was lying to try and get a reaction out of me but there was a still a possibility that it was true.

"See, it has everything to do with that" he says, smirking. 

"I just don't feel comfortable with it" I say honestly, I don't think I ever will.

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