Chapter 2

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When Liam’s parents found out he was fetus inside his mother, they instantly started to map out his life for him. There was never a time he can remember that he wasn’t told how to dress, how to walk, how to talk, how to act, what to do, just how to be the version of Liam James Payne they wanted him to be not the real Liam that hides in the shadows of his brainwashed mind wanting nothing more than to be nurtured and loved by his parents.

The real Liam is trapped in his shadows, his too deep in his brain to even think of escaping and be himself because if Liam is being honest with himself he doesn’t know who he is.

As a child Liam wanted nothing but love, his never experienced it first hand, only seeing it in movies and books but never in real life. He believes that Love is a myth and that there is no such thing. Laughter is foreign to Liam. Unnatural to hi, he knows nothing of that emotion. The only emotions pumping in his organs being anger and frustration.

Liam Payne is twenty-one years old and is in charge of his families company, Payne Enterprise. Liam inherited the company after the death of his father when he was only just nineteen years old. Liam didn’t show remorse at the funeral watching as his father’s casket got lower six feet under. Liam never cared for his father as he got older.

Liam was the one chosen to take over the business not his mother or sister’s, no it was him, because he was the right puppet to take over for his bastard of a father.

 After taking control of Payne Enterprise, Liam improved the company greatly making it more successful beyond expectations. Payne Enterprise was expanded out of the UK and Ireland making it to Russia, Asia, France and the United states. Liam is now trying to expand Payne Enterprise into Japan, Australia and South America. Liam’s bank account grew to billions making him the youngest, successful and richest CEO in the world.

On his quest of power things when downhill, the United States one his biggest manufacturer pulled out of Payne Enterprise going against the contract they signed and claiming that Payne Enterprise was part of the black market.

Liam isn’t one to steep so low in order to succeed he knows better than that but with the United States leaving Payne Enterprise it makes his other business partners question his authority. So of his business partners have gone as far as threatening him, saying that they will pull of Payne Enterprise and the agreement, taking Liam’s money with them.

Liam can’t have that, his work hard to achieve the success he has now and any god damn person who thinks can take that away from can think twice because they don’t know what his capable of.

He’s been on edge lately making him become more cruel and emotionless to the people around him. No one see’s a smile on Liam and when he looks straight into people’s eyes they cower away seeing glints of madness etched into his cold eyes.

Liam gains control of his employees and higher ups by frightening them because he knows he can destroy their whole life before they can blink. They know what his capable of doing if you dare to cross him.

Liam craves control, he needs it to survive and function properly because without control Liam will drain into a shell of who he is or once was.  Growing up without control made Liam crave it more, he wanted to control every aspect of his and anyone’s life. It’s his nature to dominate everyone and everything.

Growing up he was bought into a world of black and white and he was taught that there was only good and bad, rich and poor, handsome and hideous, parallel lines stay parallel, they never cross, no in-betweens.

He was proven wrong when he came across the shade gray. Liam’s eyes open and he cursed his parent s for not showing him this untold gray because gray bought Liam into a new light that has him tingling with excitement.

Crave- Niam BDSMΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα