Chapter 36

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"Niall what is it?" Louis asks concerned.

"Um" Niall says, breaking out of his shock "it's nothing"

"Ni" Louis says because obviously it wasn't nothing. He could see the tears that threaten to escape Niall's eyes.

"It's fine, Lou" Niall says standing up from the table "I have to go"

"Niall!" Louis shouts when Niall runs out the small coffee shop. Niall ignores his calls and gets in his car, driving off.

He was shaking as he drove his hands trembling and his eyes filled with unshed tears. He didn't want to cry, he wouldn't dare. No matter how much hurt he was feeling, he wouldn't cry. He felt like he was suffocating on his emotions, his heart felt like it was being crushed by the constriction in his chest. He tries to forget the picture while driving but all he can think is why why why.

Everything was going great between Liam and him. Maybe too great and he knew deep down that something would happen to tear them apart. It was as if the world didn't want them together.

He finally gets to the company and storms out of the car ignoring the hellos he gets from workers as he heads to Liam's office.

"Who is she?" Is the first thing he says when he enters the room , slamming the door behind him.

"Who is who?" Liam asks confused lifting his head up from the pile of work and looking at Niall. He frowns when he sees how glassy his blue eyes are and the angry expression on his face.

"Her" Niall says taking his phone out and showing Liam the picture "who is she?"

"Who sent you that?" Liam asks, jaw clenched.

"I don't know but it doesn't matter" Niall says "who is she?"

Liam swallows when his eyes land on the picture again "she's a friend" he says, looking everywhere but at Niall.

"A friend? Do you honestly think I'm that stupid Liam" Niall says angry because he just wants the truth from Liam, wants him to be honest with him because it'll make this hurt less.

"I am telling you the truth" Liam says, he was telling the truth, just not the full truth.

"Why are you lying to me?" Niall says his voice breaking.

"Niall," Liam says, struggling to keep his voice steady. "I'm not lying to you, she's just a family friend"

"Can you stop lying for once!" Niall shrills "do you honestly expect me to believe that she just a fucking friend"

He opens his phone again clutched in hard in his hands shoving the picture at Liam's face again. Liam swallows, feeling guilty. The picture looks bad, he has to admit. He'd probably be pissed if he were in Niall's shoes.

"A girl!" Niall screams "Of all people you cheat on me with girl!"

the pictures is of Liam and Sophia both smiling and gazing into one another's eyes after sharing a friendly kiss on the cheek. There's another one with Liam's lips pressed to Sophia's cheek. The pictures are pixelated and blurry but as Niall stares at Liam there's no mistaking the guilt in his eyes.

"Who is she?," Niall huffs, and Liam can tell he's on the border of tears. "All I want is for you to man up and tell me the truth-"

"What truth, Niall?" Liam interrupts exasperatedly. "She's just a family friend. it was just an innocent kiss, alright? It didn't mean anything. She and I were just catching up" he implores Niall, standing up from the desk and walking over to Niall in a swift movement, grabbing the blonde's hands. "I'm telling you the truth"

Niall blinks at him—once, twice—before turning with a scoff "no you're not"

He turns, going to flee the office but Liam stops him by grabbing his wrist.

"Niall" he says "she's just a friend"

"Then why don't I believe you?" Niall asks and Liam can hear the tears bordering his voice.

"I'm being honest Niall" Liam says trying to reassure him.

"That's what you said about Harry, you two were just friends but then he turned out to be your ex fiancé" Niall says "you never tell me the full truth"

"I'm telling you the full truth now" Liam says, feeling desperate he could tell with every passing second he was losing Niall "I promise, she is nothing but a close friend"

"I wish I could believe that" Niall says, pulling away from Liam.


"No" Niall says and he doesn't know what his saying no to. Liam or the excuses he is making. His so tired of this. This constant cycle,it always ends in him hurting. He loves Liam, really loves him but love isn't supposed to feel like this, like there's a foot stepping on his heart constantly. He feels as though he is bleeding out, there's only so much you can give someone. He's given Liam his heart and his gotten nothing in return and it makes him wonder sometimes if this is really worth it. It hurts when he says the three words to Liam and he gets nothing but a smile in return.

What makes it worse is when he sees Harry at home. He hates to admit it but he envies Harry because Harry once had Liam's love. He had the three words said to him, ones that Liam can't say to Niall.

He just wants Liam to love him just as much he loves Liam but deep down he knows that's not going to happen. Liam isn't capable of loving him the way he wants.

And as much as that hurts it doesn't hurt as much as knowing Liam doesn't trust him. He wants Liam be honest with him, tell him things but the brunette refuses and Niall can't be in a relationship full of secrets.

Liam expects Niall to be honest with him but he can't return the favour. Niall doesn't understand that it fucks with his head. How do you expect someone to be honest with you if you're not honest to them in return?

Not edited so sorry if it makes no sense lol .

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