Chapter 13

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"Niall! We're home!" Louis shouts, Niall shuts his laptop and carefully places the contract back into the envelop before running downstairs and wandering into the kitchen to join Zayn and Louis.

"Hey guys" Niall says taking a seat on the island

"Hey Nialler" Louis says "You didn't come back home last night I got worried, where were you?"

"I was at Liam's" Niall says, quickly turning his gaze away from Louis and Zayn.

"What?!" they both shout in unison

"I know you told me to stay away but..." Niall starts

"No buts!" Louis yelled "Why can't you get we're trying to protect you Niall! He's no good you, yourself know that" Niall is looking down at his hands as he fiddles with them and Zayn is just sitting there letting Louis do the talk and agreeing with everything that comes out of his mouth.

"I know you're trying to protect me and I really appreciate that but I'm not a child" Niall begins. "Sometimes you have to let me make my own decisions and mistakes"

"I just feel the need to protect you" Louis says. "From this world and people like Liam"

"And I appreciate that really I do" Niall says, reaching over to squeeze Louis hand.

"Just be-"Zayn goes to say but is interrupted by the buzz of his phone signalling a new message.

From - Harry

I'm free now.

"Who is it babe?" Louis asks, making Zayn look up from his phone.

"It's nothing just work" Zayn lies, as he quickly types out a reply to Harry.

To- Harry

I'm on my way

"What about work?" Louis asks even though he sure as fuck knows it's not work.

"Just have to pop in and check on stuff, I'll be back soon" Zayn says getting up from the table "I'll see you guys when I get back" His about to walk out the kitchen when Louis calls him back.

"You forgot to give me a kiss" Louis says pouting a little and Niall rolls his eyes even though his got a small smile on his face. Zayn leans down to give Louis a quick kiss on the cheek, his about to pull away when Louis grabs his arm harshly and whispers in his ear.

"Niall may not be able to tell but you sure as fuck are a shit liar. Have fun with Harry. Don't forget to wear a condom"

Zayn tenses as the words leave Louis mouth; he tries to not make it visible to Niall, smiling as if Louis has said something funny when Louis pulls away from him with a grin. Zayn quickly exits the kitchen.

"He sure does love that job" Louis says and Niall nods not knowing that Louis was referring to something else. Someone else.

Louis hates to admit it but he envy's Harry he can give Zayn something he can't and he has something of Zayn that he craves. His love. Without much thought Louis snatches his phone off the table and sends off a text to a friend of his. I need a favour, he types, heart in his mouth now because he can't remember the last time he felt that. Since he wanted to fight for something. For someone.

"You okay Lou?" Niall questions noticing that Louis had gone silent, which was unsual for him.

"Yeah I'm fine" Louis says with a smile. Niall doesn't quite believe him.


"What the hell happened to you?" Liam asks Harry when he sees the cloud of bruises on his jaw and left cheek, and His nose. A red stripe darkening across the bridge of it and his nostrils rimmed with dry blood.

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