Chapter 20

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"Is that all you want me to do?" Nick asks Louis.

"Yeah for now" Louis says "just make sure it's done probably and nothing traces back to us"

Nick nods standing up from the table, pushing his chair in and walks off leaving Louis alone.

He sighs and takes a sip of his coffee, putting it down, he runs a hand through his hair.

His tired. Really tired. His tired of scheming to keep the man his in love with. Some would leave their partner if they found out they were cheating but Louis far too in love with Zayn to let him go.

Zayn's the only guy in his life that has ever made him feel important and not just a hole to fuck.

Yes he knows he deserves better than Zayn but Louis thinks that Zayn is just with Harry because he is easy and takes Zayn's mind off things. He doesn't want to admit that Zayn might be in love with Harry.

He knows that Zayn's always had commitment issues, having cheated on his ex wife Perrie with Harry and now him with Harry again.

Louis sometimes wonders what it is that Harry has that he doesn't, what's so special about him that Zayn can't stay away from?

He envies Harry.

Harry has that part of Zayn that Louis wishes he could have. He has Zayn's heart even if he doesn't know it himself.

He knows he should let Zayn go but he can't.

He's too selfish.

Sighing once again he stands up and exists the cafe.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come"Harry says, holding his hands up as Zayn glares at him, his heart hysterical as Zayn takes a step closer.

"Damn right you shouldn't have come "

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry" Harry says once again, going to walk out of the hotel room.

Furious, Zayn marched over to him and grabbed his shoulders, slamming the brunette's back against the wall.

"Don't you fucking walk away from me!"

"I don't know what you want me to say Zayn I've apologised to you for something that isn't even worth apologising for, it happened years ago Zayn get the fuck over it!" Harry spat

"You're a fucking asshole" Zayn nudges him into the wall with his hip.

"You're no Prince Charming yourself Zayn"

Zayn's so angry he's shaking, their faces so close their noses are touching. Harry can feel his breath, too hot and too quick against his mouth, and if Harry just lifted his chin another inch, their lips would be touching. The thought makes his heart beat so hard Zayn must be able to feel it.

"I hate you" Zayn says he grips Harry's shoulders hard. Harry was about to say something when Zayn's lips smashed against his.

It was hard at first, their lips pressed statically together. Then Zayn's grip on his shoulders loosened and he took him delicately into his arms. Harry's arms snaked around his waist. Their lips moved against each other with more passion.

Zayn kissed Harry more forcefully,his hands pushed up Harry's shirt. Zayn broke the kiss long enough to pull the shirt over his head. Harry took the pause to pull off Zayn's as well.
Zayn attached his lips to Harry's neck. Harry tilted his head to the side and tangled his fingers in Zayn's hair. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of hot breath on his skin. Zayn pushed Harry's jeans down; Harry kicked them off and to the side.

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