Chapter 3

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“What are your plans after you graduate Mr. Horan?” Liam asked as they stood outside.

Niall shrugged, thrown by Liam’s interest.

“I haven’t made plans yet Mr. Payne” Niall answered

“We run an excellent internship program at Payne Enterprise," he says quietly. Niall raises his eyebrows in surprise. Is Mr. Payne offering him a job?

"Oh. I'll bear that in mind,” Niall murmur, completely confounded. "Though I'm not sure I'd fit in at Payne Enterprise" Oh no. his musing out loud again.

"Why do you say that?" Liam cocks his head to one side, intrigued, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"It's obvious, isn't it?"

"Not to me," Liam murmurs. His gaze is intense, all humour gone, and strange muscles deep in Niall’s belly clench suddenly. Niall tear his eyes away from Liam’s scrutiny and stare blindly down at the ground.

 “I think it would be a great opportunity for you Mr. Horan” Liam says “I don’t go handing out opportunities like this unless I see potential”

“I’ll take your offer into consideration Mr. Payne” Niall says, Liam nods at him and takes out a card from the pocket inside his suit jacket

“Here call when you have made a decision” Liam says handing Niall the card “Until then goodbye Mr. Horan”

“Goodbye Mr. Payne” Niall says as he watches Liam walk away. 

Niall lets out a breath he didn’t he was holding and walks back into his lecture.

During the majority of the lecture Niall’s mind was somewhere else, his mind was consumed with thoughts of Liam, the man is utterly attractive and Niall wasn’t afraid to admit that. He thought about the internship he was offered, listing the pros and cons if he took up the offer. The only con being his attraction towards Liam.

The lecture is over before he knows it and he isn’t sure how he makes it back to his apartment, being too consumed in his thoughts to notice. He lays his books and notes out preparing to study.

He isn’t sure how long he spends studying because when he decides to call his mother the sun has set and it is beginning to get dark.

“Hi mum” Niall says when Maura picks up the phone

“Hello love how was your day?”

“I got offered an internship at Payne Enterprise today so I think it went alright” Niall says with a little chuckle

“Wait your going to work for Liam Payne?”

Niall sighed before he answers her “I haven’t decided yet”

“Honey this is a great opportunity, people like Mr. Payne don’t hand out these opportunities often”

“That’s what he said” Niall said laughing.

“I think you should take it Niall” his mother said; determine to get through to Niall.

“I’ll think-“he goes to say but his cut off by shuffling on the other end of the line. “Here let me talk to him. Nialler?”

Niall felt his mood brighten considerably “Hi, Nana”

“Hello, love listen I know you are old enough to make your own decisions but I think your mother is right; this is a really good career opportunity”

“If I take it will she get off my back?” Niall asks


“Then tell her I took it” Niall says “I’ve got to go now Nana I love you”

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