Chapter 38

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Liam doesn't get home until late, having had to finish some documents at work which took longer than necessary.

He tries to be as quiet as possible entering the house.

There are a few lights on when he walks in, mostly in the kitchen, but the TV in the living room is on as well. Liam hangs his jacket before locking the door behind him. He kicks his shoes off when he walks into the living room, he smiles softly when he sees Niall sleeping on the couch, the remote cradled in his arms. Liam's heart flutters a bit and he can't stop smiling as he goes around and begins turning off some lights.

He walks back over to the couch and slowly pulls the remote out of Niall's hands so he can turn the TV off. When it's completely quiet in the living room, Niall shifts on the couch and barely opens his eyes, looking at Liam the best he can in the dark. "Li?" he mumbles, his voice rough from sleep

"Hey, baby," Liam whispers, reaching up and pushing Niall's hair out of his eyes. He frowns when he notices the tear tracks on Niall's pale cheek. His heart clenching at the sight "What are you doing on the couch?"

Niall reaches up and rubs his eyes. "Tried to stay up to see you when you came home. Didn't know you would be so late."

"Yeah, neither did I," he says, smiling at Niall's words. "C'mon, let's get you to bed."

Niall sits up and Liam grabs his hands to pull him off of the couch. When he stands and Liam lets go of his hands, Niall wraps his arms around Liam's waist, burying his face into his neck. "I'm sorry," he says tiredly against his skin.

Frowning Liam does his best to hold back chills as he wraps his arms around Niall as well. "You have nothing to be sorry for" he says, his nose brushing against Niall's messy hair. Liam smells the coconut conditioner that he only buys because he knows Niall loves it and closes his eyes for a moment. "C'mon, move it, off to bed," he reluctantly says, putting his hands on Niall's shoulders to lead him down the hallway towards their room.

Niall's feet drag against the hardwood floor as they walk to the room. The bed is unmade but he doesn't really care at the moment. Liam grabs the covers and tosses them back so Niall can slide right in.

As Liam goes to tuck Niall into bed, Niall grabs his wrist to stop him. "Where're you goin'?" he asks, looking at Liam with half lidded eyes.

"I have to make a phone call" Liam says. "I'm just covering you up before I go."

"No, stay with me," Niall tells him, tugging on Liam's wrist.

He tilts his head to side looking at Niall with a confused expression "Aren't you mad at me?"

"I don't care anymore, c'mere," Niall insists, pulling him in again. "I overreacted"

Liam frowns at Niall, not liking the way he was just willing to put everything behind and take the blame for everything when Liam is obviously in the wrong.

Shaking his head he removes Niall's grip from his wrist and shucks off his trousers, leaving his shirt and pants on before he crawls into bed, feeling Niall scoot over to make room. When he fully lies down and pulls the covers up, Niall moves closer and throws his arm over Liam's chest, resting his head on his shoulder. He breathes out, his body relaxing, and his eyes finally closing.

"G'night, Li" he mumbles, his hand resting comfortably on Liam's side.

Liam puts his hand on the small of Niall's back, his thumb brushing back and forth on the material of his shirt. "Night, Princess"

Liam doesn't fall asleep too stuck in his thoughts. He doesn't like this, how Niall is pretending everything is okay between them when it's clearly not. He has always loved when Niall fought with him to break through the many walls he puts up and how he never gave up on him.

But now as he stares at Niall's sleeping figure he can't help but feel as though something is different. He feels as though Niall has given up on him and them and that thought alone is enough to terrify him.

He knows he doesn't treat Niall the way he deserves but that's because he's fucked up in so many ways that he doesn't even know how to show his emotions anymore or his appreciation for Niall.

He loves Niall, really fucking loves him. He just doesn't know how to show or tell him. He has never been good with showing any form of love and he blames his father for that.

He can feel it, he can feel it in his heart and can almost physically feel it. He's slowly losing Niall, He's slipping through his fingers.It scares him because his never wanted to keep someone in his life as much as Niall.

He's so terrified of losing Niall, because people grow tired of him and he builds his walls so high and pushes others away. He can be stubborn and moody a lot. He's a mess, a handful. He's fire, and when you play with fire you have to expect to be burned, but when he burns Niall it's not because he don't love him, it's because he's still learning how to handle his blaze of emotions.

Still learning how to express the love he feels for Niall that burns so bright inside him that he sometimes doesn't know how to contain it.

Everyday that passes he's terrified his going to lose Niall soon, because he knows it's coming.

There's only so much Niall can take.

This is really short but I felt like an update

Crave- Niam BDSMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon