Chapter 16

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Niall is sobbing uncontrollably into his pillow when he is momentarily distracted from his dark night of the soul by Louis shouting.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing here?"

"Well you can't!"

"What the fuck have you done to him now?"

"Since he's met you he cries all the time."

"You can't come in here!"

Liam bursts into Niall's bedroom and unceremoniously switches on the overhead light, making Niall squint.

"Jesus, Niall," he mutters. He flicks the switch off again and is at Niall's side in a moment.

"What are you doing here?" Niall gasps between sobs. He can't stop crying.

Liam switches on the sidelight making Niall squint again. Louis comes and stands in the doorway.

"Do you want me to throw this asshole out?" he asks, radiating thermo-nuclear hostility.

Liam rolls his eyes at him before speaking "I just need to speak to him"

"Call, if you need me," Louis says more gently, Niall nods at him and Louis turns and pulls the door but doesn't close it.

Liam gazes down at Niall, his expression grave, his face ashen. He's wearing his pinstriped jacket, and from his inside pocket, he pulls out a handkerchief and hands it to Niall.

"What's going on?" he asks quietly.

"Why are you here?" Niall asks, ignoring Liam's question. His tears have miraculously ceased, but his left with dry heaves racking he's body.

"Part of my role is to look after your needs" Liam blinks at him,truly bewildered. "I'm sure I'm responsible for your tears, but I have no idea why. Is it because I hit you?"

Niall pull himself up, wincing from his sore ass. He sits and faces Liam.

"Did you take some Advil?"

Niall shakes his head. Liam narrows his eyes, stands, and leaves the room. Niall can hear him talking to Louis but not what they are saying. He's back a few moments later with pills and a teacup of water.

"Take these," Liam orders gently as he sits on the bed beside Niall.

Niall does as his told.

"Talk to me," Liam whispers. "You told me you were okay"

Niall stare's down at his hands "What can I say that I haven't said already?"

"A lot of things, I know your keeping your feelings inside" Liam says, "I need you to be honest with me"

"I want more" Niall begins "And I don't want you to beat me, is that so unreasonable?" Liam sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"I take it that when you said you were okay, you weren't."

Niall flushes.

"I thought I was fine."

"Niall, you can't tell me what you think I want to hear. That's not very honest," he admonishes Niall. "How can I trust anything you've said to me?"

Niall peeks up at him, and Liam's frowning, a bleak look in his eye. He runs both hands through his hair again.

"How did you feel while I was hitting you and after?"

"I didn't like it. I'd rather you didn't do it again."

"You weren't meant to like it."

"Why do you like it?" Niall stare's up at him.

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