Chapter 18

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"I couldn't leave even if I wanted to
Cause something keeps pulling me back to you
From the very first time we loved
From the very first time we touched
The stroke of your fingers, the scent of your lingers
My mind roaming wild, the thoughts of your smile
Oh, you gotta give me some
Or you can give it all, but it's never enough no"

"You want me, yeah?" Liam breathed out, pushing Niall backwards into the room. "You still want me so fucking bad, I know you do."

"Always want you," Niall stuttered back, letting himself be manhandled onto the bed. He always was a little weak under Liam's hands. "But I shouldn't. We- we shouldn't."

Even as he said it, Liam's fingers were tugging on Niall's jeans and the younger boy did nothing to stop it. He never did. He always wanted Liam, always would. He just didn't want to lose any more of himself.

"You want me, I want you," Liam said, shrugging, as he removed the rest of Niall's clothes.

Niall whimpered because that wasn't really the point. He was getting hurt; he could feel it deep inside. Every time Liam took him, scratching nails down his back and tugging his hair, every time he got deeper inside Niall than anyone else ever had, he got hurt more.

Liam was wrecking him, one fuck at a time. And Niall was losing the war.

"You like it," Liam insisted again, his slick fingers already pressing into Niall's arse, the younger boy's legs spread out on the bed for Liam. "You like being under me, being used by me."

Niall didn't answer, but the silence spoke for itself. Maybe he liked it. Maybe he needed it. Or maybe it was killing him.

A few minutes later, Niall was being turned over, his face pressed into the sheets and his arse stuck up in the air. Liam didn't go slow. He never did.

"Say it," Liam ordered, snapping his hips almost violently against Niall's arse. "You like this, yeah?"

Niall could feel tears coating his eyes, the pain and pleasure blurring together until the feeling was so overwhelming that Niall was suffocating on it.

"Yeah," he choked out shamefully, reaching across the bed above him and clawing at the sheets, trying to hold onto something, to keep him there.

Liam's hands pushed down over his back, fingertips digging into his skin, and Niall could feel him everywhere. On his skin, inside of him, everywhere. The fleshy fingertips were replaced by nails scratching harshly into his skin and Niall hated how he liked the feeling, the sharp pain of it.

"Flip over," Liam spat out, pulling out quickly and shoving at Niall's side, making him fall onto the bed.

Niall obediently flipped onto his back, looking up at the boy he had lost himself to.

"Pull your legs up, baby. Show me what's mine."

Niall closed his eyes, his lip trembling as he pulled back his knees, exposing himself to Liam. He hated that Liam knew how much of Niall he owned.

Within moments, Liam was shoving inside again and Niall just held onto his legs, trying to breathe. His chest shuddered with quiet sobs as the older boy fucked him, lowering down until Niall could feel heavy breath against his lips. Niall knew better than to lean into it, just cringed at the burn inside as Liam thrusted into him.

"You like this, too?" He asked quietly, lips hovering right over the younger boy's as his hands began tugging his cock, at a fast pace.

"You're not fucking walking away from this," Liam mumbled calmly into Niall's lips, his free hand sliding up to tangle in his hair. "Right?"

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