Chapter 10

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I'm in control, when you give me your body, yeah

I feel our souls burnin' up when I'm, inside of you and I

I'ma leave a mark, just to remind you, where you belong, baby

Give me your all, scream as loud as you want

Niall moans when Liam enters inside him, tugging at his restraints wishing they would magically come undone. Liam's hips move forcefully against Niall's making the bed shake slightly. There was a clear difference between the last time Liam and Niall slept together this time. Liam's thrust more forceful, and rough but still enough to make Niall's body tremble in ecstasy.

Niall couldn't control the moans as Liam's hips pushed himself deeper inside him. Liam groans and grunts were enough to send Niall over the edge. His body pressed against Niall's the further and faster he pushed himself making Niall's body go limp.

Niall's body lifts from the bed and Liam pushes his body back down onto the mattress making him whimper.

Must he continue to torture me like this?

Niall lets out a small gasp feeling Liam brush against his prostate. He can feel his nails digging into the silk from Liam's tie. With a few more harsh thrust Niall finds himself coming undone under Liam. Liam does the same a few moments later and he quickly moves from within Niall. He undoes the tie and Niall's arms fall down next to him. Liam collapses next to him and Niall turns to his side looking at him with sleepy eyes.

"You'll be here right? In the morning you'll be here?" Niall says breaking Liam out of his train of thoughts. He turns to look at Niall, he can see the sadness his eyes hold and he feels his chest tighten.

"Go to sleep Niall" he says instead ignoring Niall's question.

 Niall sighs and turns so that his back is facing Liam and before he falls asleep, he feels Liam's lips delicately placed against the back of his neck and he whispers "What are you doing to me..."


The sun beamed through the curtains causing Niall's eyes to slowly flutter open. He sat up in the large bed looking around seeing that he is alone. And completely naked. Niall pull's his knee into his chest resting his chin on top of him. His mind his racing, memories of last night flooding his brain. He can feel a small tear slide down his cheek. Everything is overwhelming, he doesn't know why he keeps letting Liam use him and then leaving when he pleases.

Wiping the tears away he turns to see two small notes on the side table, a cup of orange juice and a bottle of aspirin. The notes read Drink me and the other Eat me. He grabs the pill bottle twisting it open, he pours two pills into his hand and takes them with the juice.

The bedroom door opens and Liam walks into the room, "You're awake" Niall nods and sets the juice down on the table. His hold on his knee tightens and he hides his face from Liam not wanting him to see that he had been crying. Noticing how quite Niall is being Liam walks over to him and leans down on the bed.  Niall feels cold hands against his cheek and he looks up, his eyes meeting Liam's own. 

 "I had no intention of making you cry Niall..." Liam says brushing his fingers against Niall's tear stained cheeks. "Why are you crying?"

Niall goes to move Liam's hand from his cheek but Liam's lips catch his and again Niall is under his spell. "Do not...Do that" Liam whispers against his lips and Niall nods. "Now why are you crying?"

"What do you want from me?" Niall asks

"You have to understand Niall, my tastes are very...singular" Niall feels as if Liam is speaking to him in code. He doesn't know what Liam could be talking about and its making him rather uneasy.

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