Chapter 39

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Harry laid in the dark, with a naked Zayn peacefully sleeping on his stomach, his arm snaked around Harry's waist. He turned to his side staring at Zayn and can't help but think that he's the most beautiful human being he has ever seen.

He wished he could stay longer, watch Zayn wake up as the sunlight kissed his skin and the nail marks down his spine, watch him startle when he feels the naked body next to him then relax as he realises it's just Harry. Harry wanted to watch the realisation hit his face, he wanted to see his eyes widen then soften as he plays back the night before. He wanted to kiss him good morning, hear him complain about how bad his breath tastes in his rough morning voice. He wanted it all, every fucking morning. But he couldn't stay and his heart sunk at the idea of Zayn waking up to an empty bed, messy sheets and just his headache to keep him company. He hated the idea of walking out of bed and leaving Zayn. But he had to. He couldn't miss the plane. So he did. He slowly tucked Zayn's arm away, watched him stiffen then dive back to sleep and slipped out of bed. He had no time for a quick shower, so he just threw his clothes from before on and borrowed one of Zayn's clean boxers that smelled like fabric detergent and a lot like Zayn himself.

He picked up his wallet and phone, put Zayn's medicine and a glass of water on the night stand then traced Zayn's cheek with his finger tip one last time before leaving the room making sure he made no sound.

And when he made It out the house Liam was already waiting for him.

" Hey Li ! " he greets.

"We're gonna be late and You're gonna miss your flight, so hurry and get in the car" Liam says, running a hand through his hair.

"Sorry" Harry apologises, getting in the car.

"It's fine, I'm just tired that's all" Liam says and Harry once again gives him an apologetic look, feeling terrible for making Liam drive him to the airport at 3am.

"Did you bring my suitcase?" Harry asks and Liam nods.

"I'll have your other stuff sent to you" Liam says

"Okay" Harry says and they go back to silence. Liam too tired to make conversation.

The ride to the airport takes about an hour and soon enough they find themselves waiting for Harry's flight to be called. And when it is Harry turns to Liam, his eyes glossy.

"If you cry I swear to god" Liam growls and Harry laughs at him.

"I won't, promise" Harry says but Liam knew he was lying.

"I'm going to miss you" Harry says "thank you for everything, you've done for me. I couldn't ask for a better friend even if 90 per cent of the time you're an asshole" Liam chuckles at that pulling Harry into his arms.

"I'll miss you too Haz" Liam says face buried in Harry's neck "call me when you land"

"I will" Harry says pulling back when he hears his flight being called again.

"I'll see you soon" Harry says beginning to walk away.

"See you soon" Liam says, watching Harry's retreating back. He doesn't leave until he sees Harry's flight take off, wanting to know that he has left safely.

It's 5am when he gets home. Stripping himself of his clothes he slips back into bed sliding in next to a sleeping Niall. Liam doesn't go back to sleep instead picking up he's latest read. As he was reading  a quote from the main character in Wuthering Heights, echoed in his head.

"Misery, and degradation, and death, and nothing that God or Satan could inflict would have parted us, you, of your own will, did it. I have not broken your heart—you have broken it—and in breaking it, you have broken mine."

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