Chapter 32

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"You're nervous, I can tell" Liam says, and Niall turns to him.

"Shut up" he laughed, leaning his head on Liam's shoulder. Liam turned his head quickly to kiss his head forehead before turning back to the road. Niall would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous because truth be told he was fucking terrified out of his mind. He was meeting Liam's family today, they had only been dating for a couple of weeks now and Liam had suggested he meet his family which surprised Niall because he  didn't think Liam would introduce him to his family until maybe a couple of months into their relationship.

He wanted to make a good impression, this was important to him, he wanted the man he loves family to like him. He was certain that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Liam.

"You don't have to be nervous love, mum will love you" Liam says as they get off the high way and start on another street. Niall knew they were close and he could feel the butterflies fluttering.

"What if they don't?" Niall asks his bottom lip between his teeth. He hated the doubts that were invading his thoughts.

"You don't have to worry about that because they will" Liam reassured, "I mean I love you so why wouldn't they?"

Niall's eyes widen, when he hears what Liam has said, Liam himself seems to have realised what he has said because his eyes widen too but they quickly turn back to their normal size. Niall can feel his heart beating at an incredible pace inside his chest. God, does Liam love him? or was it just a slip up?

"I mean, like personality wise." Liam says, "Umm...You're a good person?" He mentally curses himself for sounding like an idiot.

"Right" Niall says blushing as he turns to look out the window; he could feel the slight awkward tension that had risen. Liam pulls up in front of house; they are outside the premise due to it being surrounded by gates. Niall is marvelled by the size of the house, he thought Liam's house was the biggest house he had ever seen but clearly he was wrong because this didn't compare to Liam's house, it was ten times bigger.

Liam shuts off the car and immediately the gates open and as Niall steps out the car he notices his mother rushing towards them.

"It's like she is psychic" Liam laughs, climbing out of the driver's seat.

"Liam dear" Karen says, pulling Liam into a hug.

"Hi mother" Liam says, hugging her back and Niall just stands there watching their exchange of hugs, it amazed him how Liam held on to his mother, like she was everything to him and in a way Niall knew she was whether Liam admitted it or not. It surprised him that Liam didn't dodge the hug due to his no touching rule.  He hated to admit it himself but he sort of felt jealous because Liam never held on to him like that or even let him touch him sometimes. It felt like everyone was an exception but him, like how Harry knew Liam better than anyone else and how they shared a deeper emotional connection than what Liam and Niall have.

From the distance Niall can see Liam's older sisters, Nicola and Ruth standing in the door way, they wave to him when they notice his stares and he waves back, blushing slightly. Liam breaks the hug with his mum and turns to Niall.

"Mum you've met Niall before" He says "He is my boyfriend" Niall turns red as he hears Liam introduce him as his 'boyfriend'. Karen gives him a smile and mentally cheers for guessing right, she knew from the night she met Niall at the ball that Liam and him were more than friends, it was obvious from the way her son looked at him like he carried the stars and with so much love in his eyes. She had also noticed how in the past few months Liam had changed; he was less cold towards people and was more considerate of people's feelings. He was a lot happier than angry and Karen was positive it was the happiest she had seen Liam in a long time. She wasn't sure if Liam himself knew it but she was certain his son was in love with the blonde.

"Hello love" she says, pulling Niall into a hug. It felt just like his own mother was hugging him, and it felt nice to feel that level of comfort.

"Nice to meet you, again" Niall's says, smiling as they pulled apart.

"You too" she smiled back "We should head inside" Both Liam and Niall nod and they all walk up to the door together, Ruth and Nicola are still standing at the door.

"Girls, this is Niall, Liam's boyfriend" Karan says,

Hi" Niall waves shyly.

"Hi" they both smiled.

"I'm Ruth" One of the girls says,

"I'm Nicola" the other says, and Niall smiles wider at them

"Nice to meet you" Niall says, as they walk in. He stole a glance around the place. The black and white linoleum floor of the entrance glowed, obviously having been cleaned before he came. Stairs lay across the room, climbing toward the ceiling. A doorway was on either side of the room, one admitting you into the kitchen, the other into the living room. The walls were a dark blue with silver brush swipes crossing over it, creating a shimmer effect.

Karen guides him into the living room, and he takes a sit on the coach. "I'll go make us, some tea" Liam says.

"I'll go help you out" Ruth says, watching as Liam gives Niall a kiss on the cheek before he heads to the kitchen, Ruth following him.

Liam and Ruth walk into the kitchen, Liam heading to put the kettle on while Ruth takes a sit on the island.

"So Niall?" Ruth says and Liam rolls his eyes, turning around to face her. He knew very well that Ruth was only here to question Liam.

"Yeah" Liam says, his arms crossed against his chest.

"Where did you guys meet?" Ruth asks,

"At the cafe he works at, about a few months ago" Liam says,

"You've been together that long?" Ruth asks

"No, just know each other that long" Liam explains, his brows knitted to together.

"his the first, boyfriend you've brought home since Harry" Ruth points out, Liam hadn't brought anyone home since Harry and him broke up which was a couple of years and since then Liam hasn't introduced anyone to them until now. So Ruth figures, Niall must mean a lot to Liam.

"Yeah, so what's your point?" Liam asks, frown deep.

"My point is, he obviously means a lot to you" Ruth says, eyeing Liam.

"I care about him yeah" Liam says,

"Do you love him?" Ruth asks, curious.

"No" Liam says.

"You're a shit liar" Ruth says, laughing a little. Liam eyes her for a moment and figures there's no point lying to her because she's always been good at calling him out on his lies.

"Maybe, I don't know" Liam says, hands running through his hair "I mean obviously, I feel something for him, otherwise I wouldn't be with him" Ruth frowns at him because that wasn't the answer she was looking for, it's pretty clear that Liam will just continue to deny his love for the blonde.

"I know you Liam and I can tell that this is more than just feelings" Ruth says, "You love him, don't you? And no matter how hard you try to deny it, I can tell you care as much about him as I'm sure he cares about you and despite all your efforts to never let another heart touch yours, Niall has somehow gotten in under the wire. And that's what's happened, huh? Admit the truth. You love him, don't you?"

Liam pauses for a brief moment, and then lets out a soft sigh "Yeah, I love him"

"I thought so."

This feels like a filler chapter. Lol but hope you liked it but any ways I'm trying to update regularly because I've realised it might actually be longer than what I had in mind. sorry for grammar mistakes.

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