Chapter 12~Lost

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Haley's P.O.V

Me and Sam are still in the middle of the street. I'm stuck in Sam's hold and I'm trying my best to get out. I keep trying to squirm out of his tight hold but I just can't.

"Haley! Stop it" he screams.

"No you stop it!" I yell back, finally breaking loose.
Anger soon over powers me. I turn to face him with tears pouring from my eyes.

"How could you! How could you do this to me!" I cry.

"Haley please, just let me explain" he says, reaching out for my hand.

I swat his hand away and scream,

"Don't touch me!"

"Haley, please calm down" he pleads.

"I can't calm down. How could you kiss her. What am I even saying, you weren't just kissing her, you were making out with her! I can't belive you Sam!"

"Haley stop!" He says, his voice becoming louder.

"No! No, I won't stop. How could you do that to me! How could you make out with one of the people who makes it their duty in life to ruin me! How could you make out with someone who makes me feel worthless! How could you make out with someone who bullies me constantly! I thought you hated her too but I guess I was the only one. You were probably just by her side the whole time helping her get to me, weren't you!" I scream, pushing him back.

He gains balance then screams back,
"Haley you got it all wrong! Stop over reacting!"

"Over reacting!? Are you kidding me. How am I over reacting when I see my brother making out with the one person who hates me the most, Allison!"


"How could you do this to me! How could you betray me like this Sam! What kind of brother are you! You know tha-"

My face whips the other way and my hand immediately shoots up to hold my cheek. More tears spew out of my eyes and my cheek begins to feel like it's burning, then soon feels numb.
I look back at Sam with his right hand lifted up and he has a shocked expression on his face.

"You hit me" I whisper, still holding my cheek.

"Haley I didn't-"

"Your just like dad" spills out of my mouth.

That sentence shocks him the most.
His eyes went wide when I said that.

He soon quietly says "Sorry"

I shake me head with tears still dripping down my face. Sam turns the other way around and starts to walk away. He looks back once more, then starts to run.

I sink to my knees crying. It stings. My cheek, my heart, everything. It all hurts.

I get up and start to run. Run away from my problems like I always do. This was the worst night of my life and I don't know how to feel.
I feel betrayed, insulted, angry, sad and I can't help from feeling this is my fault.

If I wasn't such a terrible person, maybe none of this would've happened. If I wasn't so terrible maybe Allison wouldn't have done this.
If I wasn't such a terrible sister maybe Sam wouldn't have kissed her and betrayed me.
If I wasn't such a terrible sister maybe Sam wouldn't have hit me.
Maybe if I wasn't worthless, maybe if I wasn't terrible, none of this would've happened.
You know what maybe Sam was right, I was just over reacting like always because that's all I do.
All I do is create drama in everyone's life. No one needs me here. All I do is cause mess and hectic. Everyone would be fine without me being here. They wouldn't care.
Sam could finally stop worrying about me and deal with his life, Connor could find someone so much better than me and Kian and Andrea could be happy together. I don't think I belong here anymore. I just can't..

I break out in more tears. I scream letting all my emotions I'm feeling out. I stop running and fall to my knees on the side of the road. I crawl over to the curb and sit there with my head in my hands crying.

This night can't get any better because now I realized I'm lost and I have no clue where I am.
I scream in frustration which causes more tears to burst out of my eyes.

I suddenly hear ringing and I realize it's my phone. I forgot I had it on me. I pull it out of my bag and it's Connor.
I awnser the call and he immediately says,

"Hey, where are you? I followed you guys outside to see what was going on and then your gone. Then next thing I know is I see Sam running back from no where, in tears and won't talk to me. I thought you might be in the direction he came from so i've been walking for the past five minutes and I still can't find you. Where are you Haley?"

He sounds worried so I suck in the tears as best as I can and reply,

"I-I just kept running straight and I don't know where I am. I can't take it anymore Connor, Sam.."
I burst in tears from saying his name.

"Hey, Haley don't worry, calm down, I'm right here. It's going to be ok. I'll start to pick up my pace and I'll find you. Just stay where you are, don't go any further."

"Ok" I sniffle.

"Ok. Will you be ok if I hang up the phone? I'm at two percent battery"

"Ya, I'll be ok"

"Ok, bye Haley"

"Bye Con" I say, hanging up the call.

I put my head in my hands and start to softly cry again.
I cry over tonight and everything that went wrong. I think about everything that happened tonight. I then start to think about my whole life and everything bad that has happened to me.
I'm soon overwhelmed by everything and tears start to fall much faster. I can feel myself to start to fall into a panic attack.
I pull my knees to my chest as my whole body begins to shake. I start hyperventilating and tears are falling without a notice. I then hear someone running towards me and I hope it's Connor.

"Haley are you alright?!" I hear him say but I can't really focus on him because of what I'm going through right now.

He sits on the curb with me, pulling me onto his lap and cradling me. I put my face in the crook of his neck as I cry. I grip onto his shirt that he's wearing and try my best to calm down.
He whispers soothing thoughts in my ear to help me calm down as he lightly rocks me back and forth. It takes awhile but I finally calm myself down.

"Are you alright?" He asks again.

I nod my head slightly as a response and keep my eyes closed with my face still hidden in his neck. I sniffle slightly.

"Ok, let me take you home." Connor says, picking me up and starts to walk.

"Please don't bring me to my house. Please, anywhere but there" I say softly and quietly between sniffles.

"Don't worry, I'll bring you to the apartment" he says, kissing my cheek.

"Thank you" I whisper.

I don't remember what happened after that because I fell asleep.
Tonight was terrible and worst of all I feel terrible. Tonight has sunk me deeper in the dark than I already am.
I don't know what to do.
I'm lost.

That was chapter 12!!
Wow ok so that just happened...

What do you guys think about this chapter?!? I want some feedback.

Also hope you all have a great rest of your day!!!

Anyways what do you think will happen next?

What happened after Haley falls asleep?
Sam hit Haley? What's your opinion on that?
How does Sam feel after hearing what Haley said?
Did Allison really plan this whole thing?
Was Casey and Laura apart of everything that went down with Allison?

Guess your just gonna have to wait and see ;))

For a NEW UPDATE this chapter must get 11 comments and 11 votes!

Ily guys <3

hope you enjoyed chapter twelve
Your fello fanfic writer is out✌️

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