Chapter 7~The Charm Bracelet

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*Read description/mini authors note at the end of this chapter I need your opinions on some things

Haley's P.O.V

I wake up a little confused on where I am.
I look around, and I soon remember what happened last night. All the memories bring a goofy smile to my face.
I hear a beating, and I realize it's a heart. Not just any heart, it was Connor's. I fell asleep on his chest last night. I feel so warm, and cozy wrapped up in the blankets, and his arms. I soon hear him yawn, and I turn over facing him watching his eyes open slowly. I smile as he smiles.

"Morning" I say, still a little tired.

"Good morning" he says, between another yawn.

Oh my gosh his morning voice, I literally just fangirled! I know, I'm weird, you learn to embrace it.
As I retrace my memories I burst off the couch trying to find my phone.

"Shoot! I forgot to text Sam he's gonna kill me"

"Don't worry, I texted him last night telling him you fell asleep, he knows your here" Connor says, with his eyes still closed.

"And he's fine with it?"

"Ya. Now come lay with me for just one more minute please" he says, which makes me melt.

"Well, Ok" I say, smiling big, and going to lay back on the couch with him.

We stay like this for a while, than I get up to get changed out of my dress I have under the sweater, and track-pants. It was a little uncomfortable.
I take off my dress, and change back into Connor's sweater, and pants. They're so comfy, and they smell just like him.
I comb out my long hair with a comb that's in the washroom.
When I finish, I walk out to see Connor in the kitchen, drinking some coffee.
His hair is all ruffled up, and he looks soo... oh my gosh, I just might die. He passes me a cup of coffee, and I sip on it.

"I swear, you look better in my clothes than I do" he chuckles, which makes me also laugh.

"I doubt that"

"But Haley, I mean it when I say this, you look beautiful. Not only in that dress, you look beautiful just like this. You always look beautiful"

"Thank you Connor, that's so sweet" I say going to hug him.

"So, what are we making for breakfast?" he asks

"WAFFLES!!" I scream, making him laugh.

I burst out of my seat, taking the waffle maker out of their cabinet.


"We were gonna make them either way, whether you said yes or no. Hope you know that" I say making him laugh.

His morning laugh is so deep, and is the best thing I heard all day. It makes me blush every time.

"Stop doing that" I say, also laughing.

"Doing what?" he asks, coming to hug me from behind while I'm making the waffle mix.

"Stop laughing, your making me blush"

"But, what if I like it when you blush" he says in a low voice in my ear, squeezing me tighter in a hug, which gives me goosebumps.

"Oh whatever, let go of me Romeo" I laugh causing him to laugh.
His morning laugh.. I just can't.

We soon finish making them, and sit down to eat. He pulls out his phone, and starts taking pictures of our food.

"What are you doing?" I ask smiling

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