Chapter 19~Numb & Confused

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Haley's P.O.V

It's the next day. I'm still waiting in the waiting room and I'm exhausted.

Connor and Annabelle said they would meet me at the hospital today, so I'm currently waiting for their arrival.
I don't know where Derek's parents went but their somewhere.

Anyways, I have school today but I guess I'm missing it because I'm here at a hospital and it's almost 9 am. My school already started.
I texted Lia and Danni that I won't be there today. I wouldn't want them to worry about me.
I didn't bother texting Kian or Sam. There's no point with them. Sam probably doesn't even care that I'm not there today.

The door to the hospital opens letting two figures rush through it. Connor and Anna. I get up out of my seat to give them each a hug.

"I still don't know anything about what happened to Derek. His parents might." I say, looking towards Anna.

"Ya.. I'm not their favourite person but I can try asking." She replied.

"Last time I saw them they went that way." I say, pointing in the direction his parents ran off to.

She smiled slightly then took off in the direction.

I pull Connor in a hug and say,
"I missed you."

"I missed you too." He replied.
"How are you?"

"I'm good but I could really go for a shower. When are we leaving?" I ask.

"I was thinking maybe around lunch. We could freshen up and then relax at the apartment."

"I like that idea." I smile, kissing him on the cheek.

Later, Anna rushed back down the hall towards us. She said out of breath,
"I managed to find Derek's mom and she said Derek was alright. Thank you so much for all your support. It was so nice meeting you both last night."

"You too and it's no problem." Connor smiled.

"If you guys want you can go home. I think I'll be alright here. I will text you any information I find out about Derek." She smiled.

"Are you sure you will be alright by yourself?" I question.

"I will be perfectly fine. You guys have already done enough to help."

"Ok." I say unsure.

"If your one hundred percent sure you will be alright.." Connor started.

"I'm one hundred and ten precent sure."

"Ok. It was so nice meeting you. Hopefully we can all get together soon. After Derek heals of coarse." I say.

"Most defiantly." She replied, hugging me. She also, gives Connor a hug.

"Bye Anna." I wave, walking towards the door.

"Bye Haley. Bye Connor."

"Bye." Connor smiled, waving.

With that we walked out of the hospital to Connor's car for a long drive back home.

When we got back to the apartment no one was there.
Me and Connor both took showers to clean off the 'remainders' of last night. He gave me one of his shirts and pants to wear since my other clothes were dirty.

A couple of missed notifications popped up on my phone.
Most of them were texts from Kian wondering where I am, which I decided to ignore and some were from Annabelle.
She said that Derek is doing fine but he will be in the hospital for a while. I replied, then put my phone away trying to focus my atention to the TV show me and Connor were watching.

He suddenly paused the show and turned towards me.

"Haley, I'm sorry the trip didn't really go as planned. This was to get you away from all the drama happening but I feel like it just caused more." He said.

"Connor don't worry it's fine. It's not like you planned for someone to catch on fire. This was very sweet of you to plan and I really appreciate it." I reply, kissing him on the cheek.

"Anything for you." He smiled, hugging me. "How are you? In general."

"I'm fine." I reply instantaneously.

"You sure? With everything that went on this past month, plus now.."

I cut him off,
"Connor don't worry about me. I'm fine. Now, what are we eating. I'm starving."

"I can order some food." He said, as I nod agreeing.

The whole day went on like this. Just us taking a break and relaxing. It was pretty nice.

But I really don't know how to feel anymore. So much has went on lately that I don't even know.
I just feel numb and confused.

Yes, I know I know what your all gonna say. Where have I been?!?
I'm soooo sorry. Last week I wasn't feeling to great and wasn't able to upload. I'm so sorry again. I will try my absolute best to make it up to you guys.

Sorry if this chapter wasn't that exciting but don't worry a lot of exciting things are coming.

What do you think will happen next?

Will Derek be alright?
Why do you think Derek's parents don't like Annabelle?
Did Sam worry about Haley at all today when she wasn't at school?
How is Haley really feeling?
What will happen in the future?

I guess your gonna have to wait and see ;)

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hope you enjoyed chapter 19
Your fello fanfic writer is out ✌️

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