Chapter 1~First Day Nightmares

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Haley's P.O.V

I wake up to the beeping of my alarm going off. I glance at the time, and it's 6:30am.
I groan getting up to get changed on this fine Monday. Well this wasn't just any ordinary Monday, it was Monday, first day of school Monday.
I haven't been to a real school since middle school, and I've been home schooled ever since. Lets just say I've been through a lot. See there's always going to be one thing I'll miss about home school, and that is sleeping in.
As you may already know I was at the cottage last week with my brother Sam, and Sam's friends which who I can now call my own Connor, Trevor, Jc, Ricky, Andrea, Jenn, Rebecca, and Kian, well I've always knew Kian. We got back last night, and I literally got no sleep since I was preparing for today. It was also Kian's birthday yesterday, and were all getting together at the end of the week to celebrate.
Let me fill you in on important things that happend it the last couple of days that you should know. Me and Kian are best friends again, and me, and Connor, well I don't know what we are..
This whole thing went down, that I'm not really in the mood to explain. Let's just say it's a long story, and Only Time Will Tell if what I decided to do will be right or not.

I walk to my washroom, and take a shower. When I come out I dry myself, and pick out
an outfit.
I put on my light blue high waisted shorts, my white short sleeve t shirt, with a blue lining around the neck hole, or whatever you call it, and the arm holes. I also, put on my black, and white plad flannel, and slipped on my black Converse. I put on a little bit of makeup, straightened my long hair, and headed down stairs.
I walk towards the kitchen, to see Sam, and Kian are already up and ready.
My eyes light up as I see what their eating.

"Waffles!!!" I scream, I grab my already premade waffles, I'm guessing they made, and take a seat next to Kian.

"Morning to you too" Kian says, laughing a little.

"Oh ya good morning" I say, taking a bite into deliciously goodness.

I love Sam's waffles, like I mean they are the best things in the actual world. I may love Sam's waffles more than I love Sam. They are soo good! If Sam, and a plate of Sam's waffles were both falling off a cliff, I would grab the waffles first. But wait, then I wouldn't have anyone to make me waffles. Ok never mind I would get Sam.

"Ok, so you have everything right? Pencils, pens, notebooks?" Sam questions


"You memorized your schedule, and everything right?"

"Yes Sam"

"Remember if anything happens you can tell me, ok?"

"Yess Sam stop worrying"

"So your not the least bit nervous?" Kian asks

"No... Well, yea kinda it's just been so long, you know?" I say taking the last bite of my waffle, and bringing my plate to the sink.

"Don't worry you will be fine"

I grab my phone from the charger, and go to twitter.
I quickly tweet,

@haley_pottorff: first day of school wish me luck

I immediately get a reply from Andrea,

@andrearussett: I'm sure you will be just fine don't stress it.

I smile shutting of my phone, and toss it in my bag. I throw my backpack over my shoulder, and get ready to leave.

"Are you guys ready?" I ask, grabbing my penny board.

"Yup" they reply doing the same.

We are soon off riding down the roads to the school which is only about five minutes away. I slow down on my board so I'm ridding beside Kian.

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