Chapter 26~Special

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Hayley's P.O.V

Its finally the weekend or if you want me to be more specific it's Sunday.
The first month of school is over. One month down, nine more to go.
Honestly school sucks. I don't know why I ever wanted to come back to real school in the first place. I miss home schooling so much. I could wake up whenever I want, I'm home all the time, all the teachers are online and most importantly there was no Allison.

I hate my life. It sucks. Everything bad always happens to me. I don't know what I have done to deserve all of this. I think I'm afraid to be happy because whenever I get too happy something bad happens. (Charlie Brown) If I'm always sad, when that bad thing happens, it will make the fall less painful.

I started my detentions already. Allison knows how to get away with everything and my PE teacher, Mr. Hankson knows how to make my life worse. He let his selfish volleyball needs come in the way of his job. It absolutely sucks that I'm getting in trouble for something I didn't do but what can I do. With my luck I had it coming.

I was texting Ben a couple of days ago and we planned to go out for lunch today. I feel guilty going to lunch with him. I don't want to get close with him because I don't want to drag him into my life. I don't want him to feel forced into my problems or even hear about them. I'm planning on keeping my issues to myself from now on.

Im all ready to go out for lunch. I'm wearing a navy blue top with blue jean shorts. For my hair im wearing a half up, half down style. The bottom half of my hair is straightened and down while the top half is put into a bun. A pair of my black hippie glasses are also, resting at the top of my head. I have on black flats and a little cute black leather backpack. (Outfit tagged)

When Ben texts me saying he's here, I let Connor know I'm going out with a friend, then I head out the door.

I jump into the passenger seat of Bens car saying hello.

"So, where are we off to for lunch?" I say, looking over at him.

"You'll see." He smiles with his eyes on the road starting the drive.

"Sneaky." I say, making him laugh.

After a ten minute drive we pull up to this small cute coffee shop cafe.

"Where are we?" I question in amazement.

"One of my favourite places." He smiles, looking at the cafe like a proud father.

We walk inside and you immediately get that at home feeling. It is a cozy little cafe with antique wooden seats and maroon leather couches seated around wooden tables. They are selling baked goods as well as meals. They also, have an ice cream display window with all their homemade ice cream flavours.

"This place is amazing." I whisper,  walking in.

Connor would absolutely love this place. I have to remember to take him here one day.

We walk over to one of the empty tables and get seated. Menus are already placed on the table and I start to look through mine.

The waitress quickly comes by and greets us. She looks to be in her older years and her name tag reads Betty.

"Ben welcome back! Who is your lovely guest?" She says in a motherly tone.

I give Ben a questioning look as I wonder why and how she knows his name.

"Betty this is my friend, Haley." He says, gesturing to me.

I smile at the lady in front of us.

"Oh you guys are just adorable! Now what can I get for my favourite customer?" She exclaims.

"I'll have the usual, chicken sandwich with a water."

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