Chapter 22~Jinxed

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"Connor!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"I don't have a red lever!!!!"

This is it. Is this how it all ends?
What am I going to do.

Haley's P.O.V

So currently I'm just chilling out while paralleling downwards, at a fast speed, unable to activate my parachute. I'm having a blast. Can you hear the sarcasm?

"What do you mean you don't have a red lever!?!" Connor screams, louder than before.

"I don't have one!! What do I do?!" I scream back.

I look at my shoulders again, looking at the empty spot where the lever was supposed to be. It's not there. I saw it as we were heading on to the plane. What happened in bettween?
I have no clue on what to do. I'm so scared right now. I shouldn't have agreed to skydiving. I don't even like heights. Why did I agree to this again? I knew something like this would happen. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. I jinxed this whole situation!

"Stay calm Haley! Stay positive! We will find a way to fix this! Let me think!" Connor yelled, closing his eyes trying to concentrate.

"Sorry if I'm acting negative while I'm falling rapidly to my death! You know what Connor, why don't we go grab some tea and biscuits!! I'm so at peace with my inner being as a fall to my death!! It's so peaceful!!!" I scream louder, now annoyed and terrified.

He gives me the stare then continues to think.

"I'm sorry Connor! If this is how I die so be it! I want you to tell everyone I love them and I'll miss them so much!!! I'll see them all again in another time! Also, I don't care what you do with my stuff when I pass! I just want you to move on and find another girl! Have a family and kids like we would've had!" I say, now in tears.

"Don't talk like that! You are not going to die. I would never let that happen to you!!" He yelled back frustrated.

"Face it Connor. I can't activate my parachute. We all know what's going to happen. I'm going to splat like a bug. I want you to know that I lo-"

"The emergency button!!" He yells, interrupting me.

"What?!" I yell confused. What was he talking about.

"Hit the emergency button in the middle of your harness!!"

I look down at my harness and see a blue triangular shaped button in the middle. I look down again, now noticing how close we are to the ground. It's now or never. I hit the button not knowing what to expect. Suddenly my body thrusts upward. I look up to see my parachute. I then notice Connor pulling his lever and he also shoots up.

By now I'm in tears and my face guard is wet and foggy.

"Now that, that was close." Connor sighs.

"Too close." I say quietly, still terrified.

We float gently to the ground as Connor comforts me trying his best to calm me down. Why does my entire life include traumatizing experiences??

When we finally reached land Rob was there standing with his other crew and two cars. People immediately came over to me and Connor's side to unbuckle us. I was in tears as I felt my knees go weak causing me to sink to the floor. I pull my knees to my chest and put my head bettween them shaking slightly.

Connor approached Rob quickly to complaine about my incident and asked for a refund. They denied his offer but I did receive an apology from Rob and his crew.
They didn't understand what went wrong. They only knew that the lever had somehow fallen off in the plane. They later on found my lever after I had jumped out.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Rob pulled it off me. He doesn't necessarily like me.

It took a while but we finally both settled down. Connor and I decided to get something to eat.

I drove me and Connor to this little cafe restaurant for dinner. It was really cute and cozy. This place always calmed me down.

It was now 8 pm and it was dark outside. Me and Connor both got something small and both got coffee. We sat in awkward silence until our food came.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out.
"I'm sorry for being rude, I know you were just trying to help. If it wasn't for you I would probably be dead. I'm sorry for ruining your birthday gift." I say, grabbing his hand across the table.

"Haley, you didn't ruin anything. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy. It doesn't matter what we do together I'm just happy I'm with you. Skydiving was exhilarating and fun but it was much better with you." Connor says, squeezing my hand.

We ate our meals than I insisted to pay the bill to make up for everything that happened tonight.

We walked back to the car hand in hand. This time Connor drove us home. It was a quiet, peaceful drive as we listed to the music on the radio. He had one hand on the sterring wheel while the other one was on my thigh rubbing up and down. He then rests his hand on my knee.

I stare out the window and hum along to the current song playing.
Today was seriously hectic.

Hope you liked chapter 22!

I know I'm sorry for the sucky chapter!
I had two allergic reactions today. My face burned and itched so bad. The doctors have no clue what I'm allergic to. Isn't it sooooooo fun when doctors have no clue what's wrong with you. SARCASM.

Anyways how was your days? I hope u had a better day then me.


What do you think will happen next?

Connor and Haley will stay together forever?
Connor and Haley will breakup?
Sam and Haley will makeup?
Kian and Andrea will breakup?

I don't know guess your gonna have to wait and see ;)

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hope you enjoyed chapter 22
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