Chapter 25~Sneaky

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Haley's P.O.V

Ten agonizing silent minutes later in Mr Hankson's office and he is still supposedly thinking.

"Pottorff, explain your side of the story." He demanded suddenly.

"Now, for the true side of the story.." I start.

I explain the pure truth of what actually happened in the cafeteria.

As soon as I'm finished Allison bursts out,

"Mr Hankson, this is absurd! I would never be that rude to someone. I would never say such things. She is trying to make me look bad. I told you she is trying to frame me. She-"

"Enough!" Mr Hankson yelled, getting frustrated.
"Listen Pottorff, I have known Allison now for almost four years. She has been on my volleyball team ever since her freshman year."

I interrupt him,
"What are your trying to say?"

"I don't think Allison would do something like that. I could never picture her being that rude to someone. That's out of her character. It's hard for me to believe that what you said was true." He continued.

"Are you kidding me?! You believe her! What I said was the complete, honest, cold truth! She's framing me for something she did! Her side of the story doesn't even make sense! First of all, I didn't even know this school had security cameras! Don't you think it's suspicious for Allison to know that our school not only has security cameras but that they only record video and not audio! Secondly, do you really think that I'm so insane that I would ask someone to pour milk on me!
Mr Hankson, I don't think this is a good time to start playing favourites because this issue deserves justice. Are you really going to let the criminal walk away freely?!" I scream angrily.

I can't believe this is actually happening. She's winning.

He stares at me apologetically.

"No no no no no! Don't you dare tell me this is my fault. I'm not going to be put at fault for this. I will not let you. I am sick and tired with the way she has been treating me since the day I came to this school. I can't take it anymore. I will not let you let her get away with this. If you believe her your not only playing favourites but your a joke!" I yell.

"Mr Hankson, even if this was my fault and I get in trouble for this issue that would mean I would have to miss the volleyball game against our rival school. I don't think you or the rest of the team would want that. Me, the captain would not only have to miss that game but the tournament, our schools volleyball tournament coming up because of detention." Allison said, twirling her hair, while looking down.

Mr Hankson looked at me like he wanted me to plead guilty. I've never seen our fierce gym teacher act so controlled.

"Don't let her persuade you. Don't do this. Mr Hankson please, don't be ridiculous."

He shut his eyes for a while and then opened them. A saddened look was in his eyes but a strong look was on his face.

"Haley, you are put at fault for physical bullying. Allison you are free to go." He sighed.

"What!?!?" I scream.

"Yay! Tootles." She cheered, jumping out of her seat.

On the way out she quickly mumbled,
"I can't believe that actually worked."

I cross my arms and adjust my seating position on the chair. I huff, letting out my frustration.

"I can't belive you. You only let her go because of your precious little volleyball game. You are such a fake, lousy teacher. The school board would be ashamed of you. Just wait until I bring this-"

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