Chapter 3~What Are They Planning!?!

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Haley's P.O.V

"What did you put for question 5?" Lia asks me.

We just got home after the second day of school. It went okay, until Laura 'accidentally' put her chair on my foot before she sat down. Let's just say my foot is purple, and bruised now.
Lia came over to do homework. Danni was gonna come too, but her cousin wanted her home. Kian, and Sam were in the other room working on their homework together.

Hours passed by, and we finally finished all our work. We ended up just catching up on what we've been doing for all the years we weren't together.

"Danni is really nice" I say to Lia, who is sitting beside me on my bed.

"Ya she's cool. She's had a hard life, but she's back on her feet now"

"What has she been through, anything like me?"

"Well.. She doesn't like talking about it, and it's not really my story to tell" Lia replies

I nod understanding, still looking at her. Her phone lights up showing she got an message. She picks up her iPhone 6, and reads it.

"I've got to go, parents want me home for dinner" Lia says, grabbing her bag, and jumping off my bed.

"Okie, see you tomorrow at school" I say, walking with her down the stairs to the door.

"Yup. See ya Haley"


I shut the door, then I went to the kitchen, and checked the time on the stove. It was
6:45, and I decided I was gonna make some dinner. I'm not even sure what i'm in the mood for. I could go for some tacos, but we don't have any, and Taco Bell is just to far. I rummage through the cabinets, and fridge, till I find some rice, chicken, and potatoes. I guess I'm just gonna make that. I boil some water, and put the potatoes in the stove.
Now we wait.

Sam's P.O.V

Flash back to Yesterday at lunch

I'm in science class waiting for this bell to ring. It literally feels like I've been sitting in this class for ten hours. I hate science, and everything about it. I just can't wait for lunch.
The bell finally rings, and I meet with Kian, who is also in my science class, and we walk out the door. As we walk out, someone runs down the hall causing us to stop in the doorway. I turn my head to look back at the person running, it kinda looks like Haley.
What happened now.

"Haley" Kian says, looking at me.

"I know" I start making my way towards the girls washrooms, since that's probably where she ran off too. She did also run the opposite way of the cafeteria, so she had to be there.

As me, and Kian are walking down the hall something else catches my eye. Allison.
She walks down the hall right in the middle, and people move out of the way to make her a path. I hate how she acts like she owns the school. I hate it.
I follow her a little behind, and I know where she's going, the cafeteria, so I take the shortest way there so we would be there first.
I wait at the doors of the cafeteria with Kian. The hallway is now empty, and then I hear the clicking of heals, and soon Allison appears down the hall. She smirks as she sees us walking towards her. As I meet her half way I grab her hand dragging her towards the front doors of the school.

"Sam-" she begins, but I cut her off.

"Don't start"

We are now in the front of the school. The parking lot is dead quiet so I knew this would be a good place for us to talk.

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