Chapter 28~Monday Horror Story

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Haley's P.O.V

I burst through the apartment door in tears. I throw my school bag on the floor and rush to my bedroom that I share with Connor. I slam the door behind me, letting my anger out and throw myself on the bed.

It's October 12th and I just came back from 'Monday's school horror story'.
I honestly can't take all of this anymore. It hurts so much. I don't get why their always so mean to me. Why do they say such rude things? What have I ever done to them? But that's not even all of it. Not only are they constantly tearing me down, piece by piece with their hurtful words but they are starting to become physical.

I glance down at my bruised wrists, wincing at the memory from earlier today.


"Allison your hurting me." I whimper, staring down at her tight grip around my wrists.

"Well, that's alright. Seeing you hurts everyone's eyes everyday. I guess it's only karma." She smirks, gripping harder.

I scream at the intense pain rushing through my body.

"Please let go of me." I say in tears, trying to break free but it's no use.

I sink to the floor in tears, buckling under the pain.

She holds her grip for a couple of more minutes before slamming me into the change room lockers, then releasing my hands.

"Your so weak." She laughs down at me.

"Anyways, hope you rot in hell. Oh and you look extra fat and ugly today in that outfit. Tootles." Allison waves, skipping out of the girls change room.

I curl myself in a ball, bringing my knees to my chest. I cry my eyes out from physical and emotional pain.

I try to calm myself down, the best I can, before I go into a panic attack.

Flashback Over

I cry harder remembering the memory from only a couple of hours ago.

It hurts so much. Why is she always so mean? I don't understand.

I bury my head in the pillow, letting out all my sadness.

I'm then startled by a knock on my door. I freeze and become dead quiet at the sudden noise.

"Um.. Haley are you ok?" A voice asks from behind the door.

Trevor. I forgot that he was going to be home today.

"I'm fine." My voice cracks and I burst into another rainstorm of tears.

He opens the door, walking into the room. He sits down on the bed, pulling me into a tight hug, trying to calm me down.

We stay like this for a while. I cry into his shoulder for what feels like ages, before I finally pull away, embarrassed at the scene I'm making.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, wiping my eyes.

"Are you ok? Do you want to talk about it?" Trevor says, worry filling his wide  eyes.

I notice him staring down at my wrists. Afraid that he will upset me even more he doesn't mention it. 

"I'm alright. It's nothing, don't worry about it." I say, trying to pull off a fake smile.

"Are you sure?" He says, glancing back down at my wrists.

"Positive. Thank you so much Trevor." I say, hugging him once more.

"Your welcome." He's says sounding uncertain.
"I'll give you some space." Trevor continued, getting up to exit the room.
I smile back at him before he leaves.

Once he's gone, I shove my face into the pillow and scream, letting my emotions free.

I want to disappear. I don't want to be here because life honestly sucks. There is no point in trying anymore because no matter how hard I try, I continue to be shot down. Each time it gets worse and worse. I can't take this anymore.

I barely see Connor now because he is always out doing stuff for his YouTube channel. I had to start walking home everyday because he's so busy. I only see him in the morning. I feel alone. Almost like a peice of me is missing. I don't talk to Kian and Sam anymore and now Connor's almost gone from my life too. Then Allison, Laura and Casey.. It's all too much for me to take.

I glance at my phone laying on the bed. I reach over and pick it up. I open it and go to messages. Still no messages from Ben.

I don't know why but I think he's starting to ignore me. This weekend he didn't respond to any of my texts or calls. He won't awnser me. I don't know why. He probably hates me. I probably annoyed him and he doesn't want to see me again. This is his sign letting me know. Why does everyone hate me?
It's my fault. Everything is always my fault. I made them hate me. I made them leave. It's all my fault.

I cry, gripping onto the sheets.

Life sucks! You know what! Life doesn't suck, it's me who sucks at life. Just like I'm terrible at everything else I do. Why even bother? What's the point? Why try? I don't want to exist anymore! I can't do this. It hurts so much. Everything hurts and I can't take the pain. I can't take it anymore. Im tired of pretending I'm strong, when I'm only weak.

I just want to go to sleep and never wake up.

That was chapter 28!
Sorry this chapter was so short. It was just a filler chapter giving you guys some key information. But be ready because next chapter you will not want to miss.


What do you think will happen next?

Where has Connor been?
Why is he so busy?
Why does Allison hate Haley so much?
What was Trevor thinking?
Why is Ben ignoring Haley?

I guess your going to have to wait and see ;)

For a NEW UPDATE this chapter MUST get 12 comments and 12 votes.

hope you enjoyed chapter 28
Your fello fanfic writer is out✌🏼

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