Chapter 39~I Need A Smoke

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*Some foul language is used in this chapter.

Kian's P.O.V

I stare at him seated in the corner, hidden away from everyone to see. I can't tell if it is really him, but when he turns around for me to see his face, I know. I can recognize that face anywhere. Its the one I grew up with. The one I'm best friends and brothers with.

"Sam, what in the world happened to you?" I say shocked, currently lost for words.

Connor, Lia, Trevor, Dahnielle and Ricky turn around confused, to see who I'm talking to. He stands up from the far side of the room and walks towards us.

I now fully take in his new appearance. His hair is now dyed all white and his arm is covered in tattoos. He has so many on his arm you can't even see the colour of his skin. He also has piercings on his nose, lip and both ears. Sam's clothing is teared in some places and overall looks dirty. His eyes are blood shot and he looks tired, emotionally and physically. 

Gasps come from our group of friends as they begin to realize who it is and how different he looks.

"Where have you been?" Dahnielle speaks up curiously.

"That doesn't matter." Sam replies. His voice sounds raspy and deep. What happened to him? What happened to my best friend?

"What are you doing here?" I ask again. Everyone stares, quietly judging him. He deserves nothing less.

"I came back." He says quietly, ignoring my question.

"Where have you been the last couple of weeks Sam? Haley needed you and you weren't here. Your supposed to be her brother. You weren't there for her when she needed you the most. She needed you here and by her side. Why weren't you here? Whats wrong with you?" Connor states, beginning to get frustrated.

"Ya I know Connor, I do everything wrong. Kian, can I talk to you?" Sam asks and pulls me out of the room before I can respond.

"What has happened to you Sam?  Where have you been? What is with the whole new look?" I ask upset.

"Listen, we can talk about that later. I came as soon as I heard one of the doctors mention my fathers name."

"Are you kidding me Sam. The only reason you came back is because you heard someone mention your dad. Thats really pathetic. You didnt come back to check up on your sister? You couldn't possibly care whats going on with her. Does it matter to you that she has been in a coma for over a month, wishes she were dead, had a seizure and won't talk to anyone? Do you even care!?" I say getting angry. I truly had lost my best friend. I don't know whats happened to him.

"Kian just stop for a second! Why did they call me asking me questions about my dad? Did something happen?" He says, changing the topic.

  "Maybe if you were here you would've known. Go figure it out yourself." I say annoyed, trying to walk out of the conversation. He grabs my arm pulling me back.

"Kian." He whines. "This is important. Can you please answer me?"

I stare at his serious face debating if I should tell him. Why should he know? He doesn't deserve to know anything. He's hardly even been here for his sister. However, I decide to tell him anyways because something tells me that it really is important.

"Fine. When Haley woke up she was traumatized because she thought she saw her dad. She kept saying he was here but the doctors confirmed it was just a dream she had."

"Did Haley say anything else about him?" Sam asks.

"Why don't you go and ask her?"


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