Chapter 32~Strange

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Third Person P.O.V

Sam and Kian sat together in the back of the waiting room. Kian continued to quietly sob to himself while Sam stared blankly into space.

Soon the others began to arrive at the hospital. They thought about what could've happened to Haley but didn't want to ask anything in fear of making the situation worse. The group sat around Kian and Sam extremely worried. Everyone was here to support Haley.

"Sam, where did Jc and Trevor go? Didn't they come with you?" Jenn sadly spoke, breaking the rooms silence.

Sam turned to stare at Jenn then looked away, back at the beige wall. He did not say a word to her. He did not even process what she had said.

Trevor and Jc soon returned. Sam looked up anxiously towards them with pleading eyes. He didn't have to speak for Trevor and Jc to understand what he was saying.     

"The nurse said she dose not know whats going on. Haley's in surgery and she's badly injured. That's all the nurse knew. She said she would come find us if she found out any new information."  Jc said quickly, glancing at the large group.

Sam's hopeful face fell once again. He turned the other way to stare at the wall.

Jc sighed and went to sit beside Jenn, to comfort her while she was crying.

"Has anyone called Connor yet?" Trevor asked quickly, still standing.

"I called him on the way here." Rebecca said. "He should be here soon."

Trevor nodded than sat down.

Everyone felt nauseous and the wait was tearing everyone apart.

Andrea sat crying for a while but soon stopped. She began to process everything that happened. She stared at Kian for a while examining him.  Something about this situation didn't make sense to her.

"Kian." She finally got the courage to speak up. "Can I talk to you?"

From across the room Kian looked up while wiping his teary eyes. He was still drenched in water from diving into the lake. He nodded and looked sadly at Andrea, waiting for her to begin talking.

"In private." She added, glancing nervously at the people in the room who were eavesdropping on their conversation.

Andrea stood up and began to walk out of the waiting room with Kian following sluggishly behind her.

They stood for a moment in silence before Andrea began talking,

"Kian, are we alright?" She asked truthfully.

"Ya. Why, whats wrong?" Kian replied, leaning against the wall.

"Why didn't you tell Haley we were dating again?" She blurted out.

"Andrea, can we talk about this later?" Kian said, scratching the back of his neck.

"No Kian. Why didn't you tell her we were dating?" She repeated.

"Do you really think this is an appropriate time to be talking about our relationship!? Haley just jumped off a bridge. She-she could be dead for all I know. Im-"

"Kian." Andrea interrupted him, grabbing both of his hands. "Why? Are you embarrassed of me?"

"No! I would never be embarrassed of you."

"Then what is it Kian?"

"Andrea its nothing! I thought we were doing good again!?" He shouted frustrated, letting go of her hands.

"If we were doing good why did you not want to tell her about us!?" Andrea yelled.

"I don't know!" He sighed, running his hands through his hair.

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