Chapter 18~Fire

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Haley's P.O.V

"Derek!" Anna screamed.

A loud scream flew out of Derek's mouth while we watched his body quickly catch the flame.

I gasped at the sight, causing me to drop my smore on the ground.

Derek tried to pat the fire down but it kept spreading. Connor immediately pounced out of his seat looking for an fire extinguisher he thought he had saw earlier on in the day. The fire grew bigger causing Derek to panic, which led him to start running around the campsite.
Me and Anna sat there in disbelief of what was happening.

Derek was now in a full flame screaming at the top of his lungs. He than ran towards the dock, heading to the water. A couple of people camping close by came out of their tents to see what all the commotion was about.

I started to run towards the dock and Annabelle followed close behind.

When we finally reached the water we could now clearly hear the piercing scream of Derek in the water. The fire had gone out but it burnt his clothes and what seemed to sound like his body.

His clothes soon became a dark red and water around him soon followed.

He ripped off his top achingly throwing it somewhere in the water. His face was unaffected by the fire but it was his body that took the hard hit. His left side of the stomach was the worst. Soon loud quick footsteps came behind us. I turned to look at Connor, with several towels and a first aid kit.

When he saw the condition Derek was in he looked shocked.

We then helped Derek out of the water onto the towel. He was lying down on top of the dock, sobbing in agonizing pain.

"I never learned how to treat this bad of a burn. We got to call the ambulance quick." Connor said.

"They will take to long to get here. We're in the middle of a campsite!" I say frantically.

"We should drive him." Anna suggests

"Someone has to stay here and watch the stuff."

"I can't drive, I don't have my licence." Anna replied.

"Hurry-Please!" Derek moaned in pain.

"Ok. Haley you drive him. I'll stay here with Annabelle because I can't leave you two girls alone. Anyways, you get the point."

"Keys?" I question. Anna tossed me the keys in her pocket and we were off.

We helped Derek to the car and put him in the back seat so he can lay down.

"Be safe." Connor said, kissing my cheek as I was about to leave.

"You too. I'll call you when I can." I say, hopping in the car.

Throughout the drive I was trying my best to calm Derek down but he was in a lot of pain. His side was bleeding a lot. The rest was only lightly burned.

"Derek were almost there hang in tight." I repeatedly said throughout the drive, trying to calm his thoughts. Ya I don't think it worked.

Once we got to the hospital I helped him in and we went to the emergency section. Doctors ran to his side immediately and took him away.

I sat in the waiting section for what felt like years until I had enough.

I walked up to the front desk and asked as nicely as possible,
"Any information about Derek?"

"Are you in any way related to him?"

"No but-"

She cut my off,
"Well then, I am not aloud to notify you of that information."

I sigh walking back to my seat. My phone begins to ring. It's Connor.

"Hey." I say, answering the phone.

"Hey. What's going on over there?" Connor asks.

"I'm not too sure. They won't tell me because I'm not related. How's Annabelle holding up?"

"She's still in shock but she called his parents to let him know."

"That's good."

"This has been the most hectic night of my life."

"I agree. Are you a little.. dirty?"

"Ya. What about you?" I sigh, looking at my stained shirt and shorts.

"I was but I changed."

"Lucky duckling."

"Anyways better go check up on Anna. I'll call you again soon."

"Ok. Talk to you later."

"Bye." He replied, as I hanged up the phone.

After falling asleep in my chair for a little while a couple in their mid 50's run in the hospital.
They wait at the front desk impatiently waiting for the nurse to come back. They kinda look like Derek's parents.

I decide to get up and talk to them.

"Are you Derek's parents?" I ask.

"Yes we are. Who are you?" The woman replies.

"I'm a friend of Derek's. My name's Haley. Your son is in the emergency room. I drove him here from the campsite."

"Is that from him." She gulped, referring to my top.

I nod lightly as tears slipped out of her eyes.

"This must've been Annabelle's fault. I knew she was never good enough for our son. I had a feeling she would just cause trouble. See a year later my point is proven." The man says clearly upset.

"No, no, no, you have it all wrong sir. Annabelle did nothing wrong. Your son, Derek was standing to close to the fire pit than a gush of wind blew causing the fire to hit his shirt. Anna had nothing to do with it. She had even asked him to step back before this whole situation had started." I explain.

"She must've had something to do with it." The man said, waking away angrily.

The woman gave me a weak smile than rushed over to the man. I then went to sit back on a chair in the waiting room.

I quickly text Annabelle. Luckily she had wrote her number in for me.

To Annabelle

Ya... I don't think Derek's dad likes me.

Today has been something else.
That was chapter 18!!!
Hope you guys liked it.

Also Happy Mother's Day to all your moms out there. Hope you guys had a great day.
Why don't you guys comment what you did to celebrate?

What do you think will happen next?

Will Derek be alright?
Why does Derek's dad hate Annabelle so much?
Does his mom like Annabelle?
What's Connor and Annabelle doing back at camp?
What's running through Anna's mind?
What's running through Connor's mind?

Guess you gonna have to wait and see ;)

For a NEW UPDATE this chapter has to get 12 comments and 11 votes.

hope you enjoyed chapter 18
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