Chapter 24~The Chick Fight

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Kian's P.O.V

Science class just finished and now after waiting in the extremely long lunch line, I have my food.
Me and Sam walk to the back of the cafeteria to the table our friends are seated at.

As the lunch period continues the room starts to become quieter.

"Yo guys." Our friend Jarrad whispers excitedly, getting everyone's attention.
"Listen. Chick fight at ten o'clock." He says while laughing.

He directed his attention to the other side of the cafeteria to show us where.

Six girls are sat at their table having a loud argument.

I recognize one of the girls to be Allison because of her loud, annoying, high pitched laugh. She always causes so much drama. Of coarse she was involved in this.
Since Allison is there two of the other girls must be her two tag alongs.

One girl that I could not make out had her head down. You can tell she really did not want to be there. Allison seemed to have her attention directed on her.

"Why don't you leave her alone Ally." Another girl I couldn't see clearly said sounding frustrated.

She was most likely friends with the one with her head down.

Then something clicked in my mind. I know that voice. My vision may not be the best but I can tell that is Lia. I'm sure it is. If that's Lia, that means the girl with her head down is Haley.

I look at Sam and the expression on his face tells me he realized the same thing. We all stay quiet trying to listen in on the conversation.

"Oh, look at that. The bruise on your cheek is gone. Congrats on that by the way. How did you get it anyways? Do your parents beat you? Or maybe Sam beats you? Does he hurt-"

"Shut up." Haley says quietly, interrupting Allison.

If it wasn't for the surprisingly quiet cafeteria I wouldn't have been able to hear what she said.

I quickly look towards Sam. He has his head down and looks frozen. He then suddenly got up and rushed out of the cafeteria. I get up too, following him out.
He raced to the front of the school and out the doors. I chase after him right behind.

"So that's what you did." I say, causing Sam to stop dead in his tracks.
He doesn't turn around so I stare at the back of his head.

We are now outside in front of the school.

"You hit her didn't you. That's what you did, huh. You hit her. That's why you and Haley arnt talking to one another. Am I right?!" I say, frustrated he didn't tell me.

He turns around and stares at me. By the look on his face I can tell that what I said was true. He had it written all over him.

"You actually hit her. Mr overprotective brother hits his own sister. No wonder her face was swollen and bruised for days. What did you do? Don't tell me you punched her."

He looks at me with a blank stare but as his friend I can see the inner anger and sadness spread across his face.

"So you did do it. You punched her. Sam-"

"I didn't punch her." He says, interrupting me.
"I did hit her though.." Sam sighs, leaning against the schools brick wall.

"Sam what's wrong with you? You must've hit her hard too. Her face was bruised for so long. I heard all the teachers ask about it. She lied for you. She saved your ass. Do you know how much trouble you could've got in?"

"I know! Do you think I haven't thought about all of that! So save the lecture Kian I'm not in the mood." He says getting angry.

"At least tell me you tried to apologize to her?"

He looks up at me annoyed.

"I'm guessing that means no. You know this is your fault. You have no reason to be angry at her."

"Because you sure know all the facts." He whispers. Sam looks down avoiding eye contact with me.

"Something's up. What arn't you telling me? What else happened?" I question.

"Nothing." He mumbles.

"Tell me!" I yell.

"She said I was just like my dad alright! She compared me to him! You happy now?!" Sam lashed out.


"I'm not apologizing to her! Not until she apologizes to me first!" Sam said, not letting me finish.

He then stormed off into the school leaving me outside with a lot to think about.

Haley's P.O.V

I sit quietly and uncomfortably in one of Mr. Hanksons office chairs. Allison is sitting to my right.

"Girls, what was going on in that cafeteria?!" Mr. Hankson says, clearly upset.

"Haley, I think the best thing to do here is to tell our kind teacher the truth. I'll tell you the complete and honest truth Mr. Hankson. I wouldn't want to cause you any more trouble." Allison said, batting her eyelashes.

What does this girl have up her sleeve.

"Go ahead Pother. Explain to me what was going on."

"Me and my two friends were looking for a place to sit in the cafeteria. There were three seats open at the table she was seated at so we sat there. We were immediately not welcomed at their table. Then Haley, for some strange, odd reason asked me to pour her milk on her head."


"It is my turn to talk Haley. Be polite." She said, interrupting me.

"So where was I.. Oh yes, the milk.
I was very confused of why she would ask me to do that. At first, I said no but Haley and her friends kept on insisting. So I finally agreeed. I stood up, grabbed her milk and poured it on her head. I then started laughing at how silly this situation was. Haley stood up and suddenly slapped me. I got a little angry but mostly confused and almost shouted some choice words until you came in the cafeteria. I would like to apologize Haley and Mr. Hankson for shouting. But-" She stops herself as her voice cracks and takes a deep breath in.

"Oh please." I say annoyed.

"But, Mr. Hankson I think she was trying to set me up. Knowing that are school cameras do not record voice audio, she made me look like I was being the bad guy. I always try being nice-" She continued but stops herself again mid-sentence and starts to cry.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes, wiping her eyes with a tissue.

"Are you kidding me. Your such a liar!" I say furious.

"Mr. Hankson, do you think I would ask her to pour milk on me! What sane person would ask that. Please tell me you don't actually believe this nonsense!" I yell at my P.E teacher.

He stares at me blankly trying to think.

I'm not going to let her get away with this one. I will not let her. I don't care what I have to do. She is not getting away with this.
That was chapter 24.
Things are getting serious.
It is going down.

So what did you think about this chapter?

What do you think will happen next?

Where did Sam go?
What is he thinking?
Why won't he really apologize?
What does Kian think of this situation?
Will Mr. Hankson believe Allison?
What will happen to Haley?

I guess your gonna have to wait and see ;)

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hope you enjoyed chapter 24
Your fello fanfic writer is out ✌️

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