Chapter 37~Im Here

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Kian's P.O.V

I stare confused at the frightened girl in front of me.

"What do you mean?" I say quickly.

It has been years since her dad was last seen. Everyone assumed he moved out of the country or state or died. There is no way he could be back. Even if he was back in town, why would he come now out of all times? Sam and Haley didn't know where he was or what happened to him. They just hoped he wouldn't come back.

"No." The doctor sighs calmly, talking in a quiet voice. "Haley, it was just a dream. We ensure you that no one, including your father was here."

"H-H-He w-was here." Haley stutters, beginning to cry while shaking furiously.

I glance at the doctors confused.

"No one was here." The older male doctor reassures. "Our intern was with Haley this entire time. She said no one was here. Is that correct Jennifer?" He continued, glancing at the teenage girl in the corner of the room. She was on her phone not paying attention while obnoxiously chewing her gum.

"Jennifer?" The doctor repeats more sternly when she doesn't respond.

"Huh-Oh ya sure.. I was here this whole time." She said, looking up annoyed. The doctors scowl at her disapprovingly.

"He was here." Haley whispers trembling.

The doctors glare from me to Haley. They then stare at me when I don't say anything.

"Haley your dad wasn't here." I confirmed, still unsure of what really happened.

"He's here." She repeats again in a low whisper, almost like she was talking to herself.

"Can I talk to her for a minute alone?" I ask, looking at Haley's main doctor, Dr. Sarr. He was sitting in the corner of the room quietly observing the situation.

"I don't think that's a good idea." One of the young female nurses speaks up.

"No. Let him talk to her alone." Dr. Sarr says, staring curiously at me.

The doctors nodded and soon everyone left, leaving me alone with Haley.

Once they were gone Haley's crying stopped and she looked up at me. She was as pale as a ghost with large purple bags under her eyes, which were lifeless and dull. Her face also was swollen and had tear streaks marking it. Looking at her like this killed me. I could see the pain in her eyes. She was traumatized and terrified. I couldn't bare to look at her like this so I glanced at the door, breaking eye contact.

"He was here." She repeated once again, her voice cracked as tears started to pour down her face.

"Haley the doctors said that no one came into your room."

"He was here." Haley said, beginning to shake again.

"Haley, your dad isn't here and he never was. He is probably not even in this state at the moment. Its going to be okay Haley, I promise you. Your dad is not here. It was just a bad dream. Your safe." I sit next to her on the bed, rubbing her back.

"Your dad can't hurt you Haley because he is not here. It was just a bad dream. Your safe and I won't ever let anything bad happen to you again."

She curled up into me and cried frantically into my chest.

"Its going to be okay. Im here now."

After about twenty minutes she finally calmed down. Doctor Sarr soon came back into the room carrying a clipboard and smiled at me gratefully.

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