Chapter 47~Q&A

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*A lot of profanities used in this chapter* Also extra long chapter :)
Kian's P.O.V

"What the hell was that Sam!" I yell.

The guy who handed Sam the bag takes off in a sprint. He quickly turns the corner, leaving me and Sam alone in the narrow alleyway. As I walk towards Sam, I see he has now hidden the bag behind his back, in a poor attempt to hide what just happened.

"Give it to me." I sigh, as I smell the stench of cigarettes and alcohol reeking off him.

"Give you what?" Sam replies almost immediately, while shrugging his shoulders.

"Sam, don't be stupid and pretend like I didn't see what just happened."

"What happened?" He fires back, making me roll my eyes.

"Just give me the fucking bag, Sam! Don't make me have to physically grab it from you. I can tell you've been drinking and we both know I can beat you in a fight."

"I doubt that."

"Fine, but you asked for it." I say before punching him in his right arm, where I know he got a new tattoo this morning.

Sam groans loudly in pain and falls to the floor muttering, "Asshole."

He drops the bag on the floor and I quickly go to pick it up. He watches me closely while clutching his arm in pain.

I hold the bag up to my ear and shake it.

"Let me guess. Is it a... bicycle?" I say with a stupid grin on my face that I know would annoy him. He is about to say something, but I speak before him.

"Wait, don't tell me..." I shake the bag again before continuing. "Is it a puppy?"

"You really are the most annoying bastard I've ever met." Sam spits, making me roll my eyes at him again.

I finally open the bag revealing smaller clear bags filled with different powders and pills. I recognize one bag that is filled with green shredded leaves to be marijuana.

"You saw it. Give it back to me now." Sam demands which makes me look up at him.

"Do you honestly believe that I'm going to give this back to you?" I question. Sam stands in front of me with a blank expression on his face. He is holding his hand out in front of him, waiting for me to hand it over. "If you do, then I guess you really don't know me at all. What type of friend do you think I am?"

He reaches for the bag and I pull it quickly away.

"It's mine Kian, not yours. This is my decision so hand the bag over." Sam says beginning to get frustrated.

"I don't care if it's yours, Sam. And I could fucking care less about how much money you just gave that guy! Do you want to know what I care about? I care about your life and whatever the hell you're doing with it!"

When he doesn't look up at me, I continue.

"What the hell are you doing Sam? Are you really going to throw away your life like this? Do you know what these things do to you? They will kill you in more ways than you know."

"Really? If they are going to kill me, why do people sell them?" Sam says boldly, now making eye contact with me. The alcohol sure is making him dumb.

"Do you think drug dealers care about you? Do you really think your smoking buddies give a crap about where you end up? They don't care about you, Sam! All they want is your money. They could care less if you died the next day because of what they gave you."

He looks away again, trying to think of something to say, but he stays quiet.

"Why are you doing this to yourself? Why are you thro-" He suddenly interrupts me with a new fire in his voice.

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