Chapter 23~Sour Milk

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Haley's P.O.V

I don't want to get up. I don't want to go to school. I do not want to socialize with people. Why can't I just stay in bed, well Connor's bed, all day and sleep.

It's September 30th and I haven't been home at all. I still haven't talked to Sam either since the incident.
I have been basically living at the o2l apartment. A while a go, Connor went over to my house to pick up clothes for me since I didn't want to risk the chance of running into Sam.
Also, I ignored Kian so much that he gave up on me which is typical because everyone gives up on me.
It just feels like I'm on a spiral heading downwards. School is terrible but that's the usual. Oh and my anxiety has gotten worse so that's a plus. Also, don't forget the trauma I had to go through with the whole skydiving incident.
Well.. there you go. That's an update on my life. My life completely sucks at the moment.

"Ms Pottorff!"

I look up from the notebook I was doodling in at my math teacher.

"Yes." I awnser.

She looks angry but it's funny because when she yells this big vain pops out on her neck and I can't help but stare. I'm sure all her students do the same thing.

"What does 'y' equal?" She asks, putting me on the spot.

I glance at the board quickly trying to make up for not listening. Unsure of the equation she is referring to I try to respond best as possible,

"Exactly." She said, not letting me finish my sentence.
"Now students this is why you pay attention during class. If you want to pass this class and graduate this year you have to pay attention. If you dont-"

For the rest of the class Mrs. Scott then continued to lecture us on the importance of paying attention.

I don't know if the teachers know this but it is hard to concentrate on the lesson when your life is crashing down. I honestly don't even have motivation anymore to wake up. If I don't have motivation to do that how does she expect me to have motivation to do the math homework.

The bell soon rings and it is a saving grace. I'm so happy to get out of this class and go to lunch.
I grab my book bag and walk over to the cafeteria. I meet Lia and Dahnielle at our usual table.

"Hey." I say, placing my bag down.
"Is anyone sitting here?" I continue, referring to the extra plate of cafeteria
food on the table.

"No. No one is sitting there. We already got you a lunch so you wouldn't have to wait in line." Lia responded, eating a spoon full of mash potatoes.

"Thank you so much guys. I promise I'll pay you back."

"Don't worry about it. You have done the same for us before. Now we're even." Danni smiles.

"Thank you so much." I say, sitting down.

"Stop thanking us and eat." Lia laughs, gesturing towards the plate.

It was a plate of mash potatoes, green vegetables, meatloaf, a chickpea pasta salad, a bran muffin and milk on the side. The cafeteria food here is actually really good. Almost all the kids here buy a lunch.

As I'm eating I notice someone sit next to me and two people sit across from me. Of coarse. Everything bad has to happen to me. Why? Why can't I just have a peaceful lunch with my friends.

"Wow Haley. I never knew you eat this much. If you eat any more your going to become fat. Oh wait you already are." Allison laughs, sitting beside me.

"Ignore her Haley." Lia says annoyed.

"Why are you even at this school? No one wants you here. No one likes you and don't say your friends do because their honestly just pathetic people." She continued, as her friends annoyingly laugh with her from across the table.

The cafeteria becomes quiet. It was filled with only whispers as the people listen in on our for some reason loud conversation.

I put my fork down on the plate and take a deep breath. Don't let her know she's bothering you. Don't give her that satisfaction.

"I think you should leave." Danni suggests.

"Why don't you leave her alone Ally." Lia says fusturated.

Allison grins at my friends, while I keep my head down, looking at my food, trying my best not to make eye contact.

"Oh, look at that. The bruise on your cheek is gone. Congrats on that by the way. How did you get it anyways? Do your parents beat you? Or maybe Sam beats you? Does he hurt-"

"Shut up." I say strongly but quietly interrupting her.

"That's enough Allison." Lia says through gritted teeth, using her full first name.

From the far side of the cafeteria I notice Sam stand up from his seat and quickly walk out with Kian chasing after him.

Suddenly, Allison grabs my milk from my tray and opens it. She stands up grinning and I soon feel a cold liquid hit my hair and run down my back. I gasp as I feel the coldness of the milk.

"Don't be a sour milk Haley."

I hear gasps from everyone in the cafeteria. The room goes completely silent and everyone's eyes are on us. I stand up angrier than ever. I can't take this anymore. I swing my hand back and slap her hard in the face. I hear the people in the cafeteria as they 'Ooo' at my actions. Her face immediately turns the other way as her hand shoots up to her cheek. When she turns around I notice her usual dark blue eyes turn ice cold.

"That little-" Alison starts to scream but is interrupted.

"Pottorff! Pother! My office now!" Mr. Hankson our PE teacher screamed.

We both walk over to him standing in the door way. All the students in the cafeteria start to 'Ooo' again because of what happened.

"Ohh whatever. Shut it you pigs." Allison said, walking by a group of guys sitting at the table in the far corner.
Her response cause them to get more excited and they continue to 'Ooo' louder.

She eye rolls at them then gives me the evil eye stare.
We walk in silence following Mr Hankson to his office.
When we get in he asks us both to sit down in the chairs in front of his desk. I try not to lean back on the chair since I'm drenched in milk.

This is great. First month of school and I'm already in trouble.
Now I have to be careful. Knowing Allison and the things she can pull off this conversation were about to have with the teacher can go many ways.
Good luck Haley. Good luck.

So that was chapter 23!
This chapter got really intense.
What do you think about this chapter? I accept total honest opinions.

Also how are all you guys? I haven't talked to you in forever.

So what do you think will happen next?

What will go on in Mr. Hankson's office?
Will Haley get in trouble?
Will Allison get in trouble?
What will Allison say?
Why did Sam run out of the cafeteria?

I guess your just gonna have to wait and see ;)

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hope you enjoyed chapter 23
Your fello fanfic writer is out✌️

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