Chapter 15~Honesty

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Haley's P.O.V

"Bye Connor" I say, as I wave to him from outside his car.

"Bye. I'll see you later"

"Bye" I reply, pecking him on the lips through the open car window.
With that he drove off, leaving me at this horrid place called school.

My phony smile soon drops as I walk in the building.

It was Monday the start of a new week. Friday and the weekend were terrible and by terrible I mean the usual, me just feeling depressed. For Connor's sake I pretended I was fine. He shouldn't have to suffer in facing with my problems so I kept everything to myself.

Also the bruise on my cheek is still visible, no matter how much makeup I put on trying to cover it. This thing just doesn't want to get off my face!

I still haven't talked to Sam or Kian. It can be awkward at time's because Kian always comes by the guys apartment. When he's over I always stay in Connors room so I don't have to see him. He's been trying to talk to me for over a week now. I still don't understand why he wouldn't tell me about him and Andrea. Why would he keep something like this from me? Why wouldn't he tell me?
As for Sam, were both ignoring each other. I'm still very upset at him.

I walk to my locker to get my English textbook so I don't have to stop by my locker after home room.
I stop in my tracks as I see Sam getting his books from his locker. When he notices me, he quickly shuts his locker and walks in the other direction. Now that he left I continue my path towards my locker.

"Haley!" I hear someone call from behind me.

I turn around to see Kian running down the hall, dodging people left and right, trying to get over to me.
I sigh and keep my head down. I put in my lock combination and my locker opens. When it opens a paper falls out. I pick it up and unfold it. The picture brings me to tears instantly as I see it.
It's a full length body picture of me and along my body are rude, choice words describing my appearance.
Tears fall from my eyes but I quickly wipe them away. 'Haley the fat loser.' I read, glancing at the title. I quickly wipe my eyes again.

"Hey Haley. I'm gonna make this quick before you storm off again but I don't even get why your angry at me. What did I do? Don't I have a right to at least know what I did? Can you talk. Say something!" Says a clueless Kian looking over my shoulder.

"What's that?" He says, snatching the paper from my hands.

"Kian." I sigh, turning around with watery eyes.

"Haley.." Kian says sympathetically, glancing at the paper.

I snatch it back from him and shove it in my backpack. I also grab my English textbook and put it in my bag. I then shut my locker and head off in a speed walk, to hopefully get away from Kian.

"Haley you can talk to me. Tell me what's going on! What was that paper about!" he said, letting his defensive side show while catching up to me.

"Why are you ignoring me. I don't get it Haley. What did I do to you? I don't understand." Kian continued, as we made it to the front of our home room door.

"Just say something. Anything! Even one word. I don't care. Talk to me!"

I look at him coldly and respond,
"Honesty." then walk in the class.

"What's that supposed to mean!" I hear Kian huff under his breath.

I walk in the class, meeting Danni at our usual sitting spot. Kian goes to sit with Sam, who's on the other side of the room.

"Hey Danni."

"Good morning Haley. How are you?" she says, not looking up from the homework she's working on.

"I'm, ok." I respond.

She then looks up studying my face.

"What happened?" She questions.

I decide to show her what I found in my locker this morning. I go into my bag and find the crumpled sheet of paper and hand it to her. She neatly unwrinkled it then scanned the paper.

"Oh, Haley." She says, bringing me into a hug.

"Don't believe any of this. I don't want you believing in any of this! Your one of the most beautiful people I've ever met and who ever did this is only jealous of you. Ok?"


"How are you really feeling?"

"I'm fine Danni, don't worry about me."

"Ok but I don't want you thinking about this." she says, gesturing to the paper. "So I'm gonna do this.." Danni continued.

She grabbed the paper, ripped it up, got up and then threw it in the garbage. She smiled, got back in her seat and continued to do her work.
This is why I love Danni. She is literally the best.

/Hour's Later/

Schools finally over! I said bye to Lia and Danni and now I'm currently waiting for Connor to come pick me up.
Finally he shows up and I hop in the cars passenger seat.

"Hey Con" I say, throwing my backpack in the back seat. I also, notice in the back there are other bags. Some are filled with clothes and some with food.

"Hey Haley."

"Why do you have bags of clothes and food in the back?" I laugh.

"Well we're going on a surprise, short, little, over night trip." Connor says, starting up the car.

"But Connor, I have homework."

"Oh well, I guess your homework's gonna have to wait then. Isn't it?" He smiles.

"I guess so." I laugh, kissing him on the cheek.

And with that we were off to where ever Connor was taking us.
That was chapter 15!!!
What did you guys think of it?
Also what do you want to happen next?

So what do you think will happen next?

Who put the paper in Haley's locker?
Does Kian understand why Haley isn't talking to him?
Is Danni a good friend to have?
How is Haley really feeling now?
Where is Connor taking her?

I guess your just gonna have to wait and see;)

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Hope you enjoyed chapter 15
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