Chapter 38~Leave

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Kian's P.O.V

Its been a week since Haley woke up and the doctors won't let anyone visit her. They said they didn't want to risk anything else happening to Haley.

I still don't know where Sam is. I'm worried about him but also a little upset. Haley is his sister and I know she is the one thing he cares about the most. Im disappointed he's not here to help her get through this. Its like all his care for her is suddenly gone.

At the moment, I'm sitting in the waiting room with Connor, Ricky, Lia, Dahnielle and Trevor. Doctor Sarr said we would finally be able to see Haley today. It hasn't been the same since Haleys incident. Everything has changed. Our group of friends are much more gloomy and sad, especially Connor. He refuses to do anything, other than go to the hospital. I haven't seen him genuinely happy since before Haleys birthday. I haven't seen him smile in a month. He's going through a hard time without her.

"Kian." Someone calls.

I look up from my phone to see the nurse standing in front of me.

"Is Samuel here?" She asks, looking around the room.

"No. I still haven't heard from him."

"Okay. You can come visit Haley now. Whoever she requests to see next will go after Kian. One person at a time, we don't want to overwhelm her. Also, try not to mention anything to do with her accident." She said, informing the group.

We all nodded and agreed to not mention anything.

I then followed the nurse down the hall to Haleys room. She scanned her card, unlocking the door.

"I'll be back in about ten minutes." She smiled.

I walked in shutting the door behind me. I couldn't help but stare at Haley. Her head was down and she looked lifeless. She had an emotionless look on her face and was playing with her hands. The bandage around her head was gone, revealing a big scar across her forehead. Her neck and right foot were still in a cast and a thin band was now wrapped around her left arm. That wasn't there before. Some of the bruises and cuts faded away but most were still present. Her face was badly bruised and she still had large purple bags under her eyes. She looked more depressed then she was before. I barely recognized her.

"Haley." She didnt respond. She didnt even look up. Haley continued fiddling with her hands.

"Haley." I repeated, walking towards the bed. She looked up, finally giving me a chance to see her.

She was emotionless and lifeless with her mouth forming a straight line. Her eyes were extremely red and blood shot as if she hadn't gotten sleep in a week. However, in her eyes I can see her tiredness and hopelessness. The joyful glint that always showed in her eyes was no longer there.

"What happened to your arm? They never said you injured it." I said while reaching to hold her hand. She flinched at my sudden movement causing me to stop.

I sat beside her on the chair next to the bed.

"Talk to me Haley. You can trust me. Im here for you, always."

She stared at me then began to laugh. Her face looked one way but her eyes told the real truth. 

"Is Sam here?" She questioned, with an amused look on her face but hope secretly filled her eyes.

"No." I say, not mentioning anything that has been happening with him. She has enough to worry about already.

Sadness immediately washed over her face but she covered it by laughing it off and rolling her eyes. She said,

"Of coarse. Who would've guessed?"

"Haley stop that. You know he loves you. No matter what, he will always love you."

"If he loves me so much then why isn't he here?" She said frustrated, her voice filing with sadness and anger.

"I don't know." I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"He doesn't care about me. Nobody does." Haley mumbles under her breath looking down.

"Haley, everyone cares about you. We have all missed you so much. No one is the same without you." 

The emotionless stare returns on her face and a single tear rolls down her cheek.

"Why couldn't you have just left me to die?"

She leaves me speechless. As I'm about to respond the nurse walks in.

"Haley are your ready to see another visitor?"


"Connor, Ricky, Trevor, Lia and Dahnielle are in the waiting room." She says, hoping Haley would be interested in seeing one of them.

"I don't want to talk to them." Haley whispers, not looking up.

"Haley they really want to see you. Connor has missed you so much. He barely leaves the hospital and he-"

"I don't want to see Connor!" She yells, interrupting me. Tears pour from her eyes and she wipes them away quickly.

"I don't want to see any of them. I don't want to talk to them. I want to be alone. They don't care about me or how I'm feeling. No one does." She says, her voice fading into a quiet whisper.

"Haley, you know thats not true. They-"

"Just leave me alone Kian." She says with no emotion at all.

"No Haley. Im not leaving until you understand that we all care about you very-"

"Leave!!" She screams loudly. She then winces and her hands fly up to hold her head. She moans in pain and begins to rock back and forth.

The nurse guides me out of the room and before she goes back in, she quickly says,

"Im sorry Kian. Apologize to your friends for me."

I nod and walk back to the waiting room.

I don't know what to think. All I know is that I don't think Haley will ever be the same.

I walk in the waiting area and turn to my group of friends.

"Guys, Haley doesn't want to see anyone. She is going through a hard time and-" I stop myself as I look around the group and see an unexpected face sitting there.

"What are you doing here?"


Finally!! Chapter 38 everyone!🎉

First off I would like to deeply apologize for not updating in two months (literally). I have no excuses I just am deeply sorry. I hope you all can forgive me and I promise I will try my hardest to get back to updating weekly.

What do you think will happen next?

Why didnt the doctors really let anyone see Haley for the first week she was awake?
How is Haley feeling?
Where did Sam go?
Does Sam really not care about Haley anymore?
Who did Kian see sitting in the waiting room?

I guess your gonna have to wait and see ;)

For a NEW UPDATE this chapter MUST get 15 comments and 15 votes.

I love you all and once again I would like to deeply apologize for my lack of updates.

hope you enjoyed chapter 38
Your fellow fanfic writer is out✌🏼

Stay Strong (Our2ndlife/O2L)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang