Chapter 41~Wished

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Third Person P.O.V

It was a week after Haley forgave Sam. They still weren't as close as they used to be, but it was improving a little each day. Either way, their relationship would never be the same.

"Haley please." Sam begged, sitting on the edge of Haley's bed.

"No, I want to be alone. Leave me alone." Haley argued.

That week, Sam had been constantly asking Haley if some of her other friends could come visit her. Each time she said no. She felt as if she did not have the strength to do that. She couldn't face them and declined Sam and the doctors each time they asked. Meanwhile, their group of friends, especially Connor, had been pestering Sam to convince Haley to see them. However, it wasn't that simple.

"Common Haley. They are worried about you and miss you. They want to see you."

"I don't care." Haley said emotionless, starring down at her hands.

"Just try, please! You only have to see them for less than five minutes if you want to. If its that bad, you can tell them to leave." Sam negotiated.

Haley stayed quiet, thinking everything through. She really didn't want to see anyone, at all. All she wanted was to be alone. Maybe, she thought, If I try and see them now, Sam and everyone else will back off.

"Haley please. Everyone is very desperate to see you." Sam continued.

"Fine." Haley spoke quietly, still not looking at Sam

"What?" Sam said stunned.

"Don't make me change my mind Sam."

And with that, Sam was quickly out of the room to find Haley's doctor. He explained what happened to Doctor Sarr, who responded saying, "A nurse must be in her room at all times. Also, only one person at a time."

Sam agreed happily, excited that his sister would be finally making progress. Connor, Ricky, Lia and Kian were currently in the waiting room. When Sam walked in, they all looked up anxiously. After Sam explained that they would finally be allowed to see Haley, the group decided that Connor should go first.

Connor walked with Sam to Haley's room. He was more than excited that he would finally be able to see her again.

As they both walked into Haley's room, Connors heart stopped. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. He had missed her so much and he felt so incredibly sorry. He felt as if this was all his fault. She looked better, he thought. Her bruises were fading and her leg was out of the sling. The bandage was removed from her head, but she still had a neck brace on. Her leg and arm were still in a cast and some scars were still visible, but it wasn't as bad as before. Haley's face was pale and she still had large bags under her eyes, which were still bloodshot. Connor began to tear up and quickly wiped his eyes. However, unnoticeably Haley's heart began beating much faster.

Connor rushed to the chair by the side of Haley's bed. His tears really began to pour down his face now.

"I have missed you so much." Connor sobbed, covering his face.

Haley did not respond.

"Thank God! Your safe, your alive. I thought you were gone." He continued, now exposing his wet face.

Sam stood by, watching from the corner of the room closely. He was more than ready to step in and stop the situation, if things got too hard for Haley.

"Im so sorry." Connor continued to sob. "This is all my fault. I should've done more. I should have done something."

He reached for her hand and Haley flinched. Being in the current state he was in, he didn't notice this and grabbed Haley's hand, holding it tightly.

"Im so sorry Haley. I missed you so much. I don't know what I would've done if you-" Connor stopped abruptly, bursting into more tears.

"I've been here everyday since your birthday. I promised myself I would never leave your side and make sure you were always okay. I love you." When Haley didn't respond, Connor continued, "Please, say something."

Haley glanced at Sam for help. This was becoming too much. She couldn't do this anymore and began feeling sick. She tried breaking her hand free from Connors, but it was no use.

"Stop. Please, stop." She said, violently tugging her hand away and winced at the pain that came along with that struggle. She felt as if her heart was beating out of her chest and felt herself beginning to shake and hyperventilate.

"I want you to stop." Haley whimpered.

"I-I.." Connor stuttered, shocked. He didn't understand what he had done or what was happening.

The nurse quickly got up and told Sam to remove Connor from the room. Connor felt unable to move and as he was dragged out of the room, the last thing he saw was Haley slouch and begin to shake more uncontrollably.

"What-what happened?" Connor asked outside the room.

Sam sighed, "Connor, she has been having a really hard time. You probably just remind her too much about what happened."


"Im assuming the doctors won't let anyone else see Haley again today. Can you go tell everybody? I need to go speak with one of the doctors."

Connor nodded, feeling speechless. Sam sympathetically smiled and went to go talk to one of the nurses.

Connor sat down on the floor in front of Haley's room. He watched as different doctors went into her room quickly. He began to cry.

He felt helpless. He caused the person he loved to experience more pain. It was his fault. He didn't understand what he did. Connor wanted nothing more than to go back to a couple of months ago. Everything was fine, they were fine. They were happy. Now, it was his fault she was here. It was his fault she reacted that way. Why did bad things always happen to good people?

Connor wished that none of this had ever happened and that everything could go back to how it used to be.
Chapter 41!!! asdfghjkllll

Sorry again for the long wait guys! I just have so much on my plate at the moment with homework and other activities. Hope this chapter makes up for it.

What do you think will happen next?

Will things ever be the same?
Will Haley ever be able to see her friends again?
Is she making progress?
Is Haley getting better?

I guess your gonna have to wait and see;)

For a NEW UPDATE this chapter MUST get 15 comments and 15 votes.

I love you all so much and thank you all for sticking in here, waiting  and reading my chapters. I hope you like this story so far!

hope you liked chapter 41!
Your fello fanfic writer is out ✌🏼️

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