Chapter 31~Hidden Emotions

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Third Person P.O.V

Back at the restaurant the large group continued to argue in distress of not coming to a conclusion of what to do. The vistors from the UK stayed out of the loud argument, keeping to themselves. Zoe and Tanya sobbed helplessly into their boyfriends shoulders while Caspar and Joe talked quietly amongst themselves. Connor, Jc, Ricky, Danni, Lia and Rebecca continued to partake in the heated argument while the others continued to cry or sat quietly, not knowing what to do.

"Now we are just wasting time!" Lia screamed, getting annoyed of all the fighting.

"We don't even know where she could be at the moment so what are we supposed to do?" Rebecca said, wiping her eyes.

"Sam, do you know where she could've gone to?" Dahnielle asked, directing the groups attention on to him.

Sam stared back at her emotionless, not responding. He stayed seated the entire time, not shedding a single tear or saying a word.

"Sam, do you even care about her!" Connor screamed frustrated. "She's your sister! How can you sit there minding your own business without a care in the world! Were you even listening to a word she was saying. She could be dead by now! You didn't say a word, you didn't try to stop her and it looks like what she said had no effect on you at all. If that was my sister I wouldn't have let her leave this building! If she managed to leave, I would've followed her out the door in a heartbeat!

"Connor, calm down." Ricky spoke up.

"No, I'm not going to calm down! The person I love is out there by herself. She's not in a good state of mind at the moment and who knows what she will do! Sam sitting there, doing nothing about his own sister is pathetic! He already put her through so much pain and he still doesn't care! I'm going out to look for her no matter what you guys say." Connor shouted. He raced up the stairs then straight out the door.

"I'll go with him." Ricky announces, following Connor.

Dahnielle sits down letting the others continue to bicker. She watches Sam closely as he continues to stare down at his hands, twiddling his thumbs. She wonders how he can sit there doing nothing after his sister confessed how she was truly feeling.
Sam's phone began to ring. Danni watches as he sends it straight to voicemail. The same number calls again and after the third ring Sam decides to awnser it.

He raises the phone slowly to his ear.

"Hello." He croaks. His voice is filled with aching pain and he struggles to speak.

Dahnielle continues to watch his every move, more interested in his phone call then the argument going on.

She watches as all the colour drains from his face. Sam turns white as a ghost then ends the call and places his phone back on the table. He stares off into space with wide eyes.

"Sam, who were you on the phone with?" Dahnielle worryingly asks, causing the room to go quiet. All eyes were on him waiting for a response.

Sam glances around the room not being able to form words.

"Who just called you Sam?" Danni repeated.

With no response coming from Sam Dahnielle started to become anxious.

"Sam! Who were you just on the phone with?!"

Sam snaps back to reality and finally responds.

"It was the hospital." He whispers. "Haley's in the hospital."

"Oh my gosh." Lia gasps.

Everyone in the room also turned pale, mimicking Sam's facial expression. Crying became louder and the room became tenser. Several minutes go by no one knowing what to do or say.

"What are we sitting around here for?" Jc says, suddenly bursting out of his seat. "Let's go to the hospital."

"I'll call Connor on the way there." Rebecca quietly adds, standing up.

Everyone got up to leave, except one. Sam. Unable to move or process what was going on, he remained seated in his chair as the others began to leave.

"Come on Sam, lets go." Trevor called from the bottom of the staircase.

Sam remained seated, emotionless, not even glancing in Trevor's direction.

Trevor sighs and walks towards Sam. He pulls up a chair and sits beside him.

"Look Sam, you probably feel terrible at the moment but from the looks of it you got two options.  You can stay here, continue to blame yourself and worry sick over Haley or you can come with us to the hospital, find out what's going on and help her fight through this."

Sam looks up staring at Trevor. He gets up and starts to walk to the stairs without saying a word.

"Good. Now let's go." Trevor continued, rushing him out the door.

With that, the large group took off anxiously towards the hospital in anticipation, hoping they wouldn't be too late.

At the Hospital
Third Person P.O.V

Sam, Trevor and Jc arrived at the hospital first. The three raced into the building quickly. Once inside they stopped at the front looking around.

"Let's go see if that nurse knows where she is." Trevor said, looking in the direction of the nurse behind the front desk.

Jc and Trevor took off towards the nurse while Sam stayed behind. He walked slowly into the waiting area ahead of him. The waiting area was a devastating place. Anxiousness and loud crying filled the room but one sob caught Sam's attention.

He looked closely at the male sitting by himself in the room. He had his head in his hands and was crying. His face was swollen, tear stained and red. Blood was smeared across his white shirt and oddly he was drenched. From head to toe the man was soaked with water. He was shivering from the cold and his sobs were loud.

Sam walked deeper into the waiting area, towards him. The man was sitting in the far corner by himself. Puddles were forming at his feet, from him being so wet.

Sam finally recognized who it was.
The man looked up at Sam and it was none other than Kian Lawley.

His eyes were blood shot and puffy while his face was tear stained, red and swollen.

Kian looked achingly towards Sam. The pain he was facing was unbearable. Kian could not get the image of Haley falling off the bridge out of his head. He blamed himself.

Sam froze once he saw Kian. He immediately thought the worst.

"Is she-" Sam choked on his words.

"They-they don't know if she's going to make it." Kian sobbed.

Sam sat next to his best friend in silence. No words had to be shared between them. Just the presence of each other comforted them the most it could in a situation like this.

They sat praying, hoping everything would be alright.

It was now safe to say Haley was not the only one with hidden emotions.
Chapter 31!!!
Sorry it's been like five years since I've last updated. Literally took forever. I've been crammed with school homework lately. So sorry again for that.

What did you guys think about that chapter?

Where is Connor and Ricky?
Where did Trevor and Jc go?
Who saved Haley?
What is up with Sam?
What are the hidden emotions?

I guess your going to have to wait and see.

For a NEW UPDATE this chapter MUST get 13 comments and 13 votes!

hope you enjoyed chapter 31
Your fello fanfic writer is out ✌🏻

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