Chapter 27~Warning

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Haley's P.O.V

The school week is almost over! Thank the heavens.

It's Friday, the end of the week and I'm now in my P.E class. However, I'm not participating. Since my glorious, understanding, fair P.E teacher, Mr Hankson assigned me detention for the next couple of weeks I've been put at work instead of partaking in the class.

Currently, he has me cleaning each and every individual volleyball are school has. There are one hundred volleyballs. It takes the full period of him nagging at me to go faster but I'm now almost finished the final fourth bin.

The bell rings for next period and everyone rushes out.
Mr. Hankson is talking to another teacher when I am graced with the presence of a special visitor joining me in the equipment room.

"What do you want?" I say annoyed, glaring up at the one and only Allison Pother.

"Good job Hale! Your finally on your last one. It took you long enough." She laughs, looking back at our unaware P.E teacher.

"If you were me you wouldn't even be done the first bin so put a sock in it." I say extremely annoyed. This has been a long week and I honestly can't take her nonsense anymore.

"Here, let me help you with your last one." She smiles, ripping the last volleyball out of my hands.

I stare at her suspiciously as she places it in the bin. She smirks at me then turns the other way to leave. On her way out, she pushes the bin causing it to fall over, letting all of the clean balls roll to the floor. I gasp in horror watching all my hard work go to waste. She turns back around with a big grin spreading across her face.

"Tootles." She waves, then struts out of the equipment storage room.

As all the balls start to roll out the door I hear Mr. Hankson yell,


He then comes storming into the storage room looking for an explanation.

"This is not my fault. Your favourite little star athlete came in here and.. Never mind there's no point. Whatever I say you won't believe anyways. So go ahead and assume I knocked it down on purpose. I'm no longer going to waste my time explaining the truth to you." I say, sitting on the floor surrounded by volleyballs.

My words shock him, leaving him speechless.

"Just clean them all again." He says quietly.

"Sir, I have my next class now. I can't be late. I won't have time-" I start but Mr. Hankson interrupts me.

"I don't care Pottorff! I said clean them all again!" He said, returning to his usual tone of voice.

He turns the other way to prepare for his next class. I sigh, then start to clean each fallen volleyball once again.

As soon as I finish I get up and rush out of the gym and to my next class, History. I rush to my locker grabbing my textbook, then run to my class. I suddenly burst through the door startling everyone.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Mrs. Gloria. I had to finish off one of my tasks with Mr. Hankson. He wanted me to continue to clean all the volleyballs no matter if-"

She cuts me off,
"That's enough Haley. I understand. Take your seat."

She motions to my empty seat in front of Lia's. I smile and gladly take it.

"Now class where were we." She says as a statement, smiling calmly at the class.

She has always been my favourite teacher. She's very understanding but can be strict at the same time.

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