CHAPTER THREE, operation troy

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The next day of school Ophelia went with wearing a sweater that's kind of a mix between purple and pink, light blue jeans that has holes and above the knee there were little white dots on it

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The next day of school Ophelia went with wearing a sweater that's kind of a mix between purple and pink, light blue jeans that has holes and above the knee there were little white dots on it. She wore black ankle boots, left her hair curly, and also did makeup to match her outfit. Ophelia was happy Mrs. Kelson got back to her about the opening for the yearbook club and said that she got in. Yearbook club actually was its own class in school, filled of juniors and seniors. Not only did they have an hour to work on yearbook stuff they also came to school not on school days sometimes to work on yearbook stuff since they're also counted as a clubs and clubs stay after school or go to school not on weekdays.

The other members of the yearbook club were three juniors and four seniors. The seniors and juniors were all editors, but the seniors were the ones who were most of the time in charge of stuff and taught the juniors on some things since they had more experience. Today in class Mrs. Kelson had wanted some of the eight students to take pictures of rehearsals for the play and pictures of the play so they had pictures for the drama club page in the yearbook. Most of the members had already signed up to take pictures of different clubs or sport practices that were happening after school so Ophelia volunteered to take pictures of rehearsals.

Ophelia didn't have to go to practice today since all they were doing was reading through the script, but Fallon, Luca, and Ricky wanted her to go for support and now she has to take some pictures. So why she's sitting on a chair somewhat behind where Fallon and Luca sat in the circle the desks formed with her camera on top of the desk. The yearbook club had their own cameras to use, but Mrs. Kelson allowed the students to use their own cameras if they owned any when the cameras that the club has were already being used. That's the reason why she's using her own camera and she didn't mind it since she was more familiar with her camera.

When Ophelia got to the bomb shelter she had checked with Miss Jenn to make sure she was alright if she took some pictures during rehearsals for the drama club page in the yearbook. She was happy that Miss Jenn was fine with it and if she wasn't she was still going to take pictures because the drama club page needs pictures. While Ophelia conversed with Luca, Fallon noticed that EJ was switching the name tags so that he could sit beside Nini instead of Ricky. EJ felt someone staring at him and looked over at Fallon. Fallon raised her eyebrows at him as if she was challenging him and she mouthed to him 'Do it. I dare you'. The two stared at each other for a few moments before EJ caved and put the name tags back in their original places and sat down.

Fallon had a victorious smile on her face when Ophelia noticed the interaction between her and EJ. "Okay, what just happened?"

"Wait," Luca furrows his eyebrows, looking at his best friends. "What'd I miss?"

Ophelia glances at him and chuckles. "It looked like EJ and Fallon were having staring contest and apparently Fallon won."

Fallon narrows her eyes at Ophelia, pointing at her. "That's not what happened. EJ was gonna change his name tag with Ricky just so he could sit beside Nini. I basically dared him to d o it," She shrugs with a smile on her face. "And he gave up after a few moments of intense staring."

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