CHAPTER EIGHT, a trip down memory lane

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Gina had explained how she had been transferred to this school because she had been suspended from the last school she went to and she was known for wherever she went trouble followed

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Gina had explained how she had been transferred to this school because she had been suspended from the last school she went to and she was known for wherever she went trouble followed. Principal Gutierrez had told her she had to find a purpose there. She had to find something she liked about this school and try not to kill it. After she had left the principal's office, she had found an anxious Luca sitting at the bottom of the stairs.


Luca had wanted to try out for the play this year. He loved the series, he lost count how many times he watched them and he had memorized all the songs. But he was so nervous and anxious. Every time he tried walking in the auditorium, he chickened out and walked the other way. And that's why he's sitting at the bottom of the stairs with his head in his hands.

He's startled when someone clears their throat and he looks up, seeing a girl about his age. "Hey. Uh, are you okay?" The girl asked.

Luca looks at her with confusion and glances behind him, wondering if she was talking to someone else because someone who looked as cool as her would never talk to someone as dorky and shy as him.

"Um...I don't think you're talking to me, right?" Luca questioned hesitantly. 

"Are you kidding me? Of course I am. Why would I talk to anyone else?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I dunno...I mean, you probably have a ton of friends. You seem really cool. And popular." Luca stammered, his face heating up out of embarrassment.

"Oh, uh, thanks." The girl chuckles lightly. "But, um, I just transferred here so I don't have any friends yet. So what's your name?" The girl asked.

"Luca." He replies, his lips curling up into a small smile. "What's yours?"

"Gina." She answers. She tilts her head to the side. "Why did you look like you were about to have panic attack a few seconds ago?"

"Oh, um.." Luca frowns, biting his lip. "Well, uh...I was thinking about trying out for the musical.."

"Really?" Gina chuckles. "Kinda lame...But why were you anxious about that? Do you not have a good voice or something?"

"N-No...That's not it." Luca stammers, glancing at the floor. "It's just...what if I do horribly or I'm not good enough or.."

"Okay, just stop." Gina waves a dismissive hand, shaking her head. "If you keep going down that negative road it won't ever stop. You just gotta go for it and don't worry about what happens. If you fail or if you do great. You can't live in fear. Besides, if it doesn't work out, it's not the end of the world. I'm sure you're not horrible at acting or singing."

"Thanks for the compliment, I think." Luca mumbled. He had to admit, he did feel a bit better after what she said. There were still some nerves there, the anxiety was still there for sure, but her words did make him feel a little better.

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