Go check on him - KyouHaba

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Sick person : Yahaba
Caretaker : Kyotani

(Yahaba is sick and Kyotani looks after him)

Kyotani POV

"Where's Yahaba?" Oikawa asked while we were doing our warm up, I played attention to what was happening since I was also curious, "not sure, could just be running late" Iwaizumi said from next to Oikawa, "hmm Mad dog you're friends with Yahaba right? Why don't you text him" Oikawa said to my dismay.

I grumbled and rolled my eyes at him but he gave me a scary smile so I pulled out my phone and texted him.

Why aren't you at practice? : Me

Yahaba : because I'm sick??

K whatever : Me

I put my phone back in my pocket after texting Yahaba, "so what did he say?" Oikawa said, "he's sick" I said bluntly "oh... ok well after practice since it's the weekend you should go check on him" Oikawa concluded, I just rolled my eyes, knowing he was right and I probably should check on him.

We continue practice until Oikawa was satisfied, "great job everybody make sure to go home and eat some food!" He said, we all walked to the change rooms. After I got changed Oikawa tapped me on the shoulder, "don't forget about Yahaba" he said then winked and walked off, I shook my head and walked out.

I was walking to Yahaba's house, thinking about random things, Yahaba's got a lot better at volleyball so sometimes after practice we both stay for a little and practice more.

I reached Yahaba's house, I knocked on the door, I heard shuffling then a pale, sweaty, messy-looking Yahaba opened the door.

Yahaba POV

I answered the door, not expecting Kyotani to be there, I had been feeling horrible since I woke up, I had really bad headache and stomach ache and I threw up twice this morning.

I saw Kyotani's face and imidiantly closed the door, 'what the heck is he doing here?' I thought. I heard another knock at the door "oi! Yahaba open the door!" I rolled my eyes before opening the door just enough for me to stick my head out, "what do you want?" I asked, he looked at me for a bit before speaking. "Oikawa said for me to check on you" he said with his hands in his pockets.

I gave him a sceptical look, "well I'm fine" I said, he raise his eyebrows and gave me an 'are you serious?' Look, "no you're not, you look like shit, you're pale, sweaty, out of breath just let me in, you need to rest" he said, I rolled my eyes, he was right I not only looked like shit I felt like shit.

"Fine..." I said, opening the door more so he could come in. I walked over to the couch where I had been lying there miserably, I laid down. I had two blankets on the couch, a tissue box and a bucket on the floor. "So.... can you tell me what exactly is wrong with you?" Kyotani said, he was standing near the couch I flopped on.

"I got a headache and stomach ache and I threw up twice this morning and I feel hot and nauseous" I said, Kyotani raised an eyebrow, I could see the worry on his face.

"Have you had any medicine?" Kyotani asked, "no..." I said, the thought of consuming anything making me more nauseous.

Kyotani POV

I walked to the kitchen to get Yahaba some medicine, a glass of water and a few crackers. When I came back he was lying on the couch with a green-ish tint to his face and his arms clinging to his stomach.

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