Sick, not weak - AoFuta

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Sick person : Aone
Caretaker : Futakuchi

(Aone is sick but won't tell Futakuchi, Futakuchi notices and goes out to by medicine but Aone is feeling worse than he thought..)

3rd person POV

Futakuchi wakes up to find Aone still sleeping, which he finds unusual because Aone is usually awake before him. Futakuchi desides to let him sleep and starts making breakfast instead.

Futakuchi is making almost finished in making breakfast for himself and Aone, but he's still asleep, which surprises him even more. After serving up their portions Futakuchi goes into their bedroom to wake up Aone.

"Aone, time to get up, I've made breakfast." Futakuchi gently wakes up his boyfriend, who take a few moments to fully wake up, confused himself that he slept in. For a brief moment Futakuchi sees a look flash past Aone's face— pain? Discomfort? He doesn't know because it's wipped off his face as quick as it came.

They both go back to their table to eat breakfast. "Did you sleep well?" Futakuchi says with a laugh. "Yes, sorry I slept in." Aone replys. "It's all good, you must've been tired." They both continue eating, well Futakuchi swears he sees Aone forcefully swallowing down his food, not looking like he's enjoying it.

"Are you feeling alright?" Futakuchi asks after the temptation got too heavy. Aone nods, "yes, just waking up still." Futakuchi gives his face a full inspection, since Aone isn't much of a talker he's learnt to read Aone's face and facial expressions. He's definitely sick, Futakuchi concludes.

Once both of them finish their breakfast, Aone with just under a quarter of his food still on his plate, they both start cleaning up. They tag team for most of it but once Aone is doing the dishes Futakuchi comes up with an idea. "I might go to the shops really quick, we're running low on a couple things. I'll probably be back in around 30 to 40 minutes." Futakuchi says, kissing Aone on the cheek before grabbing keys and putting shoes on.


Futakuchi carefully looks through the shelves until he sees some medicine, he grabs a box for a cold and one for pain relief. He buys some tea, a fluffy blanket and even some flowers before checking out at the register.

Futakuchi drives home, he was out for around 35 minutes just as he said. He opens their door and expects Aone to be on the couch watching tv or something but he doesn't see him at all in the kitchen, living room or dinning room

Futakuchi puts down the bag of stuff he got, his keys and the flowers on their kitchen island, takes off his shoes and walks down their hall to try find Aone. He walks to their bedroom, maybe Aone took a nap to try sleep off his sickness.

Nope definitely did not take a nap, as soon as he's at the door frame of their bedroom he can hear concerning noises coming from the ensuite, Futakuchi speedily walks into the bathroom, Futakuchi's face creases in worry as he bends down near Aone to rub his back as he heaves over the toilet.

"Aone.. what happened?" Futakuchi's worry is increasing as he feels how just how warm Aone is, you could probably cook an egg on his forehead. Aone can't reply as he's throwing up more undigested food. Aone continues to empty himself out and Futakuchi feels terrible that he had left Aone to go to the shops. Another worse thing is he only got cold medicine and some pain relief medicine.

This is no cold. Futakuchi pats Aone's back as he chokes on a gag. "Aone, breathe." Futakuchi demonstrates some slow breathing and Aone's no longer heaving out his stomach. Aone feels silly, he's such a big, strong guy but he's here on the bathroom floor, having to be told to breathe by his boyfriend.

Aone feels light headed, his head is throbbing every second and he feels so dizzy. Aone leans over to Futakuchi, resting his head on his shoulder. Futakuchi can feel the intense heat coming from his boyfriend. He brushes Aone's hair back and feels his forehead in the process. "Sorry baby, I have to grab the thermometer, can you sit up for me?" Futakuchi says, Aone lifts his head off and crosses his arms over the rim of the toilet, opting to rest his head on his arms instead.

Futakuchi internally cringes, he's never seen Aone so sick. Futakuchi grabs the thermometer from one of the cupboards. He puts the device in Aone's ear until the screen goes on and he reads the temperature. "39.2°C.. (102.5°F)" Futakuchi curses, "Aone does your head hurt? Do you feel dizzy?" Futakuchi rests a hand on Aone's back.

Aone moans an affirmative noise. "Aone.. I think we should call a doctor." Futakuchi says and Aone is whips his head around, making him wince at the sharp pain he was met with in his head. Futakuchi can read how distressed Aone is by his face. "Okay okay, no doctor but, first, this hoodie has to come off, second, I want you to drink a whole bottle of water so you stay hydrated." Futakuchi says, Aone isn't so sure about the water part but all he knows is he doesn't want a doctor to come here.

Futakuchi runs a few fingers in Aone's hair. "What am I gonna do with you?" Futakuchi says, planting a kiss on his temple. "Come on, let's move you to the bed." Futakuchi stands up and helps Aone, who very unsteady. Futakuchi might as well carry Aone to the bed at the amount of weight Aone's putting on him.

When Aone is on the bed Futakuchi leaves and comes back with a bottle of water and a straw. He gives Aone a weak smile and Aone takes a sip just enough to coat his mouth and puts the bottle down. Futakuchi doesn't pressure him and goes to retrieve a bucket and medicine, dumbfoundedly they already had some fever reducers and stomach medicine, but Futakuchi doesn't complain.

The bucket is placed on the floor and the medicine on the bedside table. Aone's laying on the bed but is still awake so Futakuchi takes the opportunity to give Aone the water again. "Please?" Futakuchi begs when Aone gives him a sceptical look.

Aone drinks a solid 3 mouth fulls and has to shut his eyes from how sick he feels. Futakuchi is sitting next to him, rubbing circles into his back. Futakuchi is holding the water bottle as Aone takes measured breaths to keep the water down. Futakuchi has also brought some crackers to soak up the water and so Aone can take some medicine to get his fever down.

Aone opens his eyes to see the water yet again in front of him. He sighs shakily, he really can't but he's desperate to get better and prove he's not a big baby that can take care of himself. He drinks half the bottle and doesn't push away the cracker handed him. He gags on the first chew but pushes through.

Futakuchi looks at Aone worriedly as he swallows hard to get the cracker down. "Hey, don't force yourself, that's not good either." Futakuchi says but Aone shakes his head. "I'm okay." He says, more to himself.

Aone takes two fever reducers before he's an unmoving pile on their bed. Futakuchi is massaging and caressing in anyway he can that would make Aone feel better.


I hope you enjoyed this despite it being a bit short. Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes :3

Thank you local_fanficreader for the request, hope you like it <3

Requests are closed sorry!!!

List of upcoming chapters:
KageHina, sick Kageyama
KageHina, sick Kageyama
KuroKen, sick Kenma
TsukkiYama, sick Yamaguchi and Tsukishima
BokuAkaKuroKen, sick Bokuto
OsaSuna, sick Suna
TsukkiYamaKageHina, sick Yamaguchi and Kageyama
TsukkiYamaKageHina, sick Yamaguchi
IwaDai, sick Daichi
IwaOi, sick Oikawa
OsaAtsu (not ship), sick Osamu
DaiSuga, sick Sugawara
TsukkiYama, sick Tsukishima
OsaSuna, sick Suna
BokuAkaKuroKen, sick Kuroo
KyouHaba, sick Kyotani
AranKita, sick Kita
BokuAkaKuroKen, sick Kenma
TsukkiYamaKageHina, sick Hinata
LevYaku, sick Yaku
SemiShira, sick Shirabu
OsaAtsu, sick Atsumu
KuroKen, sick Kenma

Thank you for 34.7k reads <33 I love you all

Word count : 1459

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