You good? - OsaSuna

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Sick person : Osamu
Caretaker : Suna

(Osamu is sick but goes to practice then Suna takes him home + they are dating)

Suna POV

"You okay Samu?" I asked, he had been puffed out and pale all practice.
"I'm fine" he says quickly, his chest rising and falling at a fast pace.
"You look like you've been dragged across America then shat out of Satan's ass?" I said with an eyebrow raised.

He gave me an 'are you serious look?' "Seriously Rin, m'fine" he says, I squinted at him, unconvinced. "Samu..." I said, further sqinting my eyeballs. Samu sighed before speaking, "okay okay maybe I don't feel all that great.." he finally said. I let my face soften. "I'm gonna let Kita-san know that we are going home because you're sick" I said then walked away.

"Kita-san" I said, "yes Suna?" He replied, turning his attention to me. "Osamu is sick can I take him home?" I asked, I saw a flash of sympathy cross the captains face then he went back to calm. "Of course it wouldn't be good if he made the whole team sick and it's bad if he practices" Kita said. "Okay thanks Kita-san." I said, walking back to Osamu who has made his way to the gym floor leaning against the wall.

I could see Atsumu giving Osamu concerned glances so I decided I would tell him about his brother. "Tsumu, your brother's sick, I'm taking him home" I said, he raised an eyebrow. "Oh... SAMU! YER ASS BETTER RECOVER QUICKLY SO WE CAN PRACTICE!" he told Osamu from across the gym.

Osamu waved off his brother and drank out of his water bottle. I walked back over to Samu, "come on let's get our stuff" I said, taking off my knee pads and grabbing my bag, Osamu did the same.

We both entered the club room and got changed, both of us tired from practice. Once all our stuff was packed and we were ready to leave I turned to Osamu. Now looking at him in better lighting he really didn't look well.

"Samu? You really don't look good at all" I said, actually concerned. "Yeah you've told me that.." he said, finding the floor very interesting. "I was kiding then, I'm serious now are you okay?" I asked, pressing my hand to his forehead. He did feel a bit hot but not overly hot.

"I'm okay my stomach just feels really crappy and I'm tired" he said, I could hear the discomfort in his voice. "Poor Samu, let's get you home" I said, patting him on the back then ruffling his hair a bit and un-sticking it from his forehead.

The walk home consisted of Samu talking a little bit about topics that weren't important and me talking about random things and just us walking silently next to each other, sometimes holding hands all while me checking on Osamu who still didn't look any better even after the fresh air.

Toward the end of the walk to his house Samu spoke less and less, every now and then I would catch him making a pained face or placing a hand on his stomach. "Ugh Rin my stomach keeps hurting" Samu said and I took his hand in mine and gave it a gentle kiss.

"Does it feel like you've got the stomach flu?" I asked, looking ahead. "Yeah I think so I feel quite sick.." he said and I could tell from his pale complexion and how he was acting.

When we actually got to his house Samu didn't speak all the way to his bedroom. He put his stuff down and laid face down on the bed, "fuck Rin.." Samu groaned. I walked over to the bed and rubbed his spine, hoping to at least help a little bit.

"Rin... I think I need to go to the bathroom.." he said, his voice shaky. "Shit- ah okay, come on then" I said, he sat up and he indeed looked way too pale. I guided him to the bathroom where he kneeled in front of the toilet.

He had his eyes closed and turned his head away from the toilet. I placed a hand on his back and moved it around in soothing patterns. He jolted and moved more towards the toilet but settled a little since it was a false-alarm.

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