You & I

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Chase's POV.

It's been four days now and tomorrow is the day my father gets to meet Nina. I know she's overthinking it too much, probably wondering if my dad would approve her or some shit, but I know he will, and even if he doesn't, I don't give a crap she's mine, not his.

But I know he will like her.  According to him, he hasn't seen me this happy, not after my mother passed away which was about twelve years ago. It's not like I haven't been the same since then, but I definitely hadn't felt this excited in a very long time.

I love my new lifestyle, and I love the person in it. Nina makes me want to be better, she deserves the best and I want to be the best for her.

It's honestly ironic how things turned out. My original goal coming here was to graduate so I could move back to my old town, but that all changed when I saw Nina. I never thought I would have find her here, the woman of my dreams. I certainly did not think I would fall for her out of all people.

It's like the whole world stopped when she offered her hand to help me up. I saw the most beautiful soul in her. Big beautiful eyes, silky caramel hair, and an angelic face, she wasn't smiling nor speaking, but Nina instantly caught my eye and I knew I had to make her mine.

I open the door to see Nina standing outside with a bag on her shoulder.

"Hey," she throws herself at me and starts kissing me.

It fucking drives me crazy when she does this, it just makes me want to do things to her... things I know we'll both love.

"Hey," I kissed her nose. "You should've told me you wanted to come over, I would've picked you up."

"For what? So my mother could keep you there? Yeah, no."

I chuckle and we both start walking to the kitchen."You want anything?" She nods and asks for juice while I grab a beer.

"So, I was thinking." I start, filling a cup of juice for her. "My prom is coming up soon, I was wondering if you would come with me?"

She grabs the cup. "Are you serious?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I open my can and start drinking, God, it's been a while since I've had one.

"I don't know, maybe because I don't know any of your friends and they may not like my precence."

I almost want to snort.

"Listen," I walk across, embracing her in my arms. "There is no one else I would rather be with that night other than you. Now, I don't know if you are aware of what happens after prom night but you, princess, gotta be there."

"Fine, I'll think about it," she teases and I lean down to kiss her, but she placed her hands on my chest backing away, I look at her in confusion. "Beer breath, you know I hate it."

I roll my eyes and grab her by the hips, slamming her body against mine. I pressed my lips on her hard before pulling away, placing my face in the crook of her neck.

"You may hate beer breath, but you love me, don't resist me." I murmur.

"Whatever, come on let's watch a movie- grab snacks! I'll go choose one upstairs."

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