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Five years later:

I get out of the car and open the back door to take out the big bear and the bag full of presents I bought for Camille. I head to the back of the small house and the smell of meat grilling and mashed potatoes fills my nostrils. As I open the gate, Camille comes running towards me.

"Uncle Chasey!" She yells in excitement hugging my legs.

A grin makes its way to my face and I put down her gifts to bring her into my arms as I spin her around. Her giggles bring joy to my face.

"How is my favorite goddaughter doing?" I asked and kissed her cheek.

Camille giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck tightly. "I'm your only goddaughter, uncle Chasey."

"Well, I suppose that's true." I laugh along with her before placing her on the ground. "Check them out," I give her a bag full of toys. "Do you like them, princess?"

She dug into the bag and pulled out one of the water guns I bought her. "Oh my god! Of course, I do, I've been wanting these since forever!" She hugs me again.

"I'm glad you like it," I said and kneeled next to her, helping her unwrap it.

"Thank you so much, uncle Chasey! I've always wanted these but my mommy never lets me get them. She says they're for boys." Camille rolled her eyes and made a sassy face.

Definitely Jacob's kid.

"I said that once, Camile!" Annika defended herself as she prepared the table.

Camile looks at me with a silly face, her big blue eyes full of happiness. "I will hide them from her," she said running inside with the bag full of boy toys.

I let out a laugh and stood up shaking my head while walking towards Jacob who is by the grill, flipping some of the meat.

"Hey man, how you been doing?" He greets me with a hug.

"Everything's good, just somewhat stressed out," I say putting the keys down.

He takes two beers and throws one at me. I open it and start chugging on it. God this is just what I needed.

"And you? I asked how you were doing," he took a sip of his beer.

I nodded my head, "I'm good. Just work stuff really." I can't say much after what happened a few years ago. Nothing has really changed since I left for North Carolina.

I moved five years ago to pursue my career in what I am thankfully doing great at. I only come back to town when it's needed like today. Today is Camille's birthday, she's six today.

Camille Nina Smith.

It seems like it was just yesterday that she was born, or maybe it does because I haven't been as present as I was when I was eighteen. It's been five years now, I am twenty-four. I'm single and I'm busy. Which is why I hardly ever visit.

My father married a nice woman and they are expecting a child soon.

Cara is engaged.

We talk time to time and she told me about it, she even invited me to the wedding. She and I are Camille's godparents. I guess he wanted the people closest to him to take care of his kid whenever he's gone.

Annika is pregnant, again. She finished college a year ago and she's working hard to get the local place for her cosmetology classes.

I haven't heard much from Dom since that night Nina died. But I can say that he's doing okay, he is officially a lawyer-a good one I see. I once saw him on a magazine cover, I believe he has moved on.

But that is a story for another time.

And Jacob. Jacob is one of the few people who didn't treat me like shit after Nina died, he knows about everything that went down before it and he still had my back. He is also part of the reason I got out of my depression, he is great.

He is now the new mayor of Walford. Following in his father's footsteps. He is a great dad and a great husband. I am really thankful to have him as a friend.

"Everyone come on the food is ready!" Annika yelled and everyone started sitting. All of them with a smile on their face. It truly shows how happy we are.

How happy I am now.

And I owe it all to Nina.

I will never forget her, she was my first love and I was hers. Only then our love was cut short.

But we will meet again Nina, in another life. And I promise I will make things right this time.
Jacob's POV

Nina once told me that my kid would be my salvation, she was right and I owe it all to her.

Gone but never forgotten.
A/N: Crying, shitting, and throwing up altogether.😭 this was a hell of a story for me to write. I hope you all enjoy it.

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