One last time

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A/N: Last chapter so some scenes will be short. I am so sad😭. Enjoy your reading. The next chapter will be the epilogue music on top like always.

Two weeks later:

In the letter Nina wrote me she told me to meet her at the coffee shop at five pm, on December 27.

It's January fifteen, I started my new year without her.

Most of the plans I had made for this year were with her, and now that she isn't here I had to change them up.

I went back to school Monday this week. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done but I had to do ut eventually. I know Nina would've wanted me to graduate and I am partly doing this for her.

I haven't really been out since then except going to school and back.

My dad drives me and I don't mind simply because I know I can't do it myself.

Spencer, he went back to college when he found out Nina was dead. I haven't seen him since and I honestly don't want to.

He can die for all I care.

I'm graduating a little bit earlier than my classmates since I haven't been attending school, they offered alternatives to make me graduate easily and I accepted. I want to get out of here.

That's my purpose.

My purpose is to get out of this town as soon as graduate and get my certificate. I'm going to move to North Carolina, start a new life there, and major in business.

That's what I have planned so far, that's all I see when I think of a future without her.

I miss her. I wish I could hold her one last time.

Sighing I try to get up but fail miserably. My head feels heavy and my body feels light, I feel dizzy.

This shit has been going on for over a week now and I don't know what to do to stop it. I try to eat but it just doesn't set good on my stomach. I think it's just the lack of sleep, I'll get better, eventually.

I grab my shoes and toss them in my bed as I grab a grey hoodie and put it over my white t-shirt. As I finish, I put my shoes on and grab my notebook.
As I open the door the smell of freshly made coffee fills my nostrils. I enter and sit in the booth I used to whenever I came here with her. I put the notebook on the table and sigh.

It feels so...wrong being here especially when this place was her favorite. She would come here to think about her decisions and now I feel like I'm taking that from her too.


I don't have to look up to know who it is. Of course, I knew that the chances of her being here were pretty high, she pretty much owns the shop.

She sits across from me and at first, I think she's about to speak but I'm proved wrong when all I hear is silence.

Through my lashes I see her doing exactly what I am. Looking down with a face of sorrow.

Sometimes I forget that she lost Nina too. They didn't know each other that long but they did share a pretty intense bond.

It's crazy to say that but it's the truth. I want to believe I am the only one suffering because sometimes I can't with the guilt. It eats me up every damn time and there is nothing I could do about it since I practically deserve it.

After a few minutes of utter silence, Cara speaks again. "Why didn't you go?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Because it was me, I was the one who hurt her.

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