Stop The Time

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Stop The Time

What was your role amongst these people? These so called business personalities. You had people visiting the racing stables. Many of which to see Kazuma. And he often hated the idea of conducting meetings in his own environment. But he was in a foreign country and surprisingly all these associates spoke Japanese. They wouldn't waste an opportunity to converse with a well know Yakuza from Japan. So they brushed up their Japanese. Albeit not very good.

But today the weather was peaking 29°, so you were going to sit in the back garden where the pool was. You were going to enjoy yourself. Your body was tender and tired so laying in the sun in your sunglasses on was not an option. It was going to be done.

Kiryu was in the house on the phone to someone about something super important. There were an odd few Japanese yakuza operating in Hawaii which was also one of the reasons Kazuma would sometimes fly here. Most of the time, they handled their own affairs and Kiryu's aides would come to visit. That's it.

Once off the phone, he walked out to where you were. Smirking at you, in your own trance beneath the sun. Eyes shadowed with sunglasses. Wearing a neon green bikini. Which...exaggerated your chest. And Kiryu wasn't complaining about that, no.

When you heard a cough you opened your eyes and saw him. "Oh, sorry."

"It's ok. Did you want to go to a party tonight?"

You sat up, your warm tummy folding together naturally.

"A party?" You sounded unsure.

"Yes." Kiryu sat on the sun lounger next to you. "There's a family working in Hawaii. Every time I'm here I try and meet the patriarch personally. He's hosting a party and wanted to meet you."

"This is what I'm paid for. Right?"

His face shifted gently. "I guess."

The event wasn't formal. Very casual. But the weather called for a thin dress which thin straps and stopped on your thighs again. On your dresser lay a collection of expensive perfumes, you sprayed the one which smelt like flowers.

"Which family is this?" You asked gently, sitting next to Kiryu as his aides drove you both.

"He's someone I've known for a long time. He used to work with my father. Now I've got the chance to work with him."

"Who was your father?"

"Shintaro Kazama. My adoptive father."

"Where is he now?"

Kiryu began playing with his watch strap. Uncomfortably. "He died."

"I'm sorry. I didn't realise."

"We loose a lot in this job. I'm not ashamed of it anymore." He laid is head back and looked out of the window.

The house in which this party was to be held was extremely tucked away. Behind lush greenery and palm trees. If you were walking past you wouldn't give it a second glance. With his hand tightly in yours, Kazuma walked in with you. The entry to the large door was lined with native plants and stood at the door was a guard. Who bowed when seeing Kiryu.

Full swinging, the party had all sorts of people. Men, women, kids. It was treated more so as a BBQ so no wonder Kazuma had worn his Hawaiian shirt and brown trousers. He looked summery. Like a single father taking their kids to a neighbourhood BBQ held by a rich mother.


"Thank you for coming, chairman."

"Chairman, it's very good to see you."

"Aloha, chairman."

That's all you heard as you both headed into the house. Loud music was playing and in the garden lay a large pool overlooked by a small jacuzzi. Perched up against each other and surrounded by greenery. It was truly beautiful. Whoever owned this house had life be good to them.

The owner, the patriarch was sat at a table outside, a long table. Smoking a cigarette. He stood and bowed when Kiryu approached the table. Giving up his own chair amongst the sea of empty ones, just so the chairman could sit on the chair.

Kiryu say you right next to him with your hands intertwined. The strong & incredibly tough Chairman of the Tojo clan has gone soft for his beautiful girlfriend. But he didn't care. It looked how it looked.

"Thank you so much for seeing me, chairman."

"Thank you for handling everything here in Hawaii." Kiryu expressed, his gratitude firm.

"It's nice to host you both." The patriarch bowed. "I hope you like my home."

"It's beautiful." Kiryu nodded, looking around.

You noticed the flurries of women playing in the pools. Laying on pool floaties, playing pool games, enjoying themselves. You fell into a deep day dream about how you could do the same.

"Come and join us!" A girl shouted.

You sat up. "Me? No! I don't have my swim suit!" You joked.

They all laughed in joy. "But we do!"

You reluctantly agreed and one of the girls pulled herself out of the pool, grabbing your hand and following you.

The Aide leant down to whisper in Kiryu's ear. "C-chairman..."

Kiryu dismissed him with his hand. "Let her do what she wants..."

The Chairman's Girlfriend (REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now