Moons Colliding

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Moons Colliding
Mentions of sexual assault.
Screenshot belongs to madsscreenshots on tumblr.

The next morning Kiryu took a shower and sat at his table, alone, reading some newspaper. Which had somehow produced an article about you passing out. How the news got there? Kiryu didn't know for sure. But the puzzle pieced together. The doctor must've leaked it to some well paying news outlet who'd always wanted the hot gossip on the chairman of the Tojo Clan. Kiryu never indulged. It never pleased him to do so. He liked his private life to remain private. His aides, guards and patriarchs all knew that.

On the table lay the usual. 2 sets of plates, 2 sets of cutlery, 2 glasses. On Kiryu's side he also had his wristwatch on the table. Ticking away. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Often he put it on when he sat at the table, refusing to check the time he woke or check his phone for any emails. A minimum of an hour needed to pass after he'd woken up before he'd check anything.

With wet hair and a dripping wet body, Kiryu continued to read as the bright grey daylight burst through his apartment windows. He wasn't eating. The chef was ready at his beck & call but wasn't saying anything. Kiryu wasn't asking for anything. So awkwardly everyone was stationed without a task to do.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. It echoed through the room, bouncing off each man present.

"Chairman, would you like your coffee?" The waiter suggested gently.

"No. Wait till Y/N gets up." Kiryu commanded, continuing to read.

Rarely. Very rarely, did Kiryu's aide speak when not spoken to. A rare moment of interjection the 2 men shared which was allowed. Usually with other chairmen, this never happened. But Kiryu's valued the opinion of his aide who could see the other perspective.

"Chairman." The aide lowered himself, his blond highlighted brown hair reflecting in the light and falling over his eyes gently. "Do you think the doctor went to the police?"

"For what? Illegally prescribing Anphetamies?" Kiryu continued to read. "Suggesting that I give them to Y/N when I want her awake and when I want her to sleep?" Kiryu shut the newspaper and threw it away across the table in its loose, weightless and inexpensive form. "I should've killed him for that."

"Would you like me to find out, chairman?"

"Don't worry about it" Kiryu sighed, putting his wristwatch on. "He thinks that going to the papers makes him untouchable."

"Well, if he ends up dead now then they'll know it was us." Kiryu's aide pondered.

"Let him have his 5 minutes of fame. He needs it." Kiryu rolled his eyes."

"Yes, sir."

"Check on Y/N. Make sure she's breathing." Kiryu pinched the bridge of his nose and let go. "With that stupid doctor suggesting amphetamines the last thing I need is Y/N getting sick."

Kiryu's aide bowed and went into the bedroom to see you still sleeping. Eyes closed gently and a flat expression on your face. He put his finger beneath your nose and felt the breathing before leaving you alone.

Kiryu was still sat patiently, hands together against his lips and eyes closed.

"Chairman, she's still breathing."


Kiryu picked up his cup of coffee and went out to the balcony, looking down to the city. He took a deep breath of air before pinching the bridge of his nose. Just then his phone vibrated in his pocket and without thinking twice he answered it with his eyes closed.


"Chairman?" Kashiwagi spoke.

"Yes, Kashiwagi-san?"

"The Jingweon Mafia is ready to meet you. When can you arrange a meeting?"

"Friday." Kiryu spoke, checking his watch and realising it was actually Thursday. "Tomorrow."

"Very well. Your aide will arrange all the details."

Meanwhile you'd decided to wake up to the natural rhythm of your body clock. Kiryu went into the bedroom you both "shared" and removed his gown. Standing completely bare in his boxers and reaching into his chest of drawers for something. Rummaging through. You peeped through the blanket and got a nice little view. Mainly of his ass perking up in his boxers and his tattoo.

You stretched like a cat and he instantly gravitated to your bedside, holding your hand again as you sleepily watched him. Still partially hiding beneath the blanket.

"How are you?" He asked considerately.


"I know. I'm sorry. I think I pushed you too far." He whispered into your hand, stroking your hair.

You yawned. "Where are you going?"

"Nowhere. Are you hungry?"

You nodded.

"Get up and take a shower. I'll wait for you at the table."

Wearing clean pyjamas and having washed your face & brushed your teeth, you went to the table to find nobody. Just Kiryu out on the balcony smoking a cigarette. You decided to read the newspaper on the table and we're pleasantly surprised to see an article which had the well known Chairman mentioned in it.

"Good read?" Kiryu asked, sitting in front of you.

"What happened here? This doctor says you hung him upside down."

"Must've been taking pills. Ready to eat?"

"What's your agenda for today?"

"If you're feeling well, we're flying to Seoul tomorrow."


"Yeah. I've got to meet the leader of the Jingweon Mafia."

"I can come." You smiled enthusiastically.

"Are you sure?"

You nodded. Because tomorrow was Friday and that meant you only had 2 more days left till you could spend your money and not have to do this anymore. So, you embraced your role fully and wanted to leave with a big blast.

You got up and walked over to sit on his lap, smiling whilst your arms were around his neck. "Yeah. I wouldn't want to leave you alone."

"Cute." He smirked very faintly with a frown.

The Chairman's Girlfriend (REVISED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant