Catch It

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Catch it.
Screenshot belongs to madsscreenshots on tumblr.

It wasn't a pleasant sleep you had due to the horrid weather battering against your window. So in the dead of the night you decided to go downstairs and walk around, in an effort to tire yourself out. Your body wasn't letting you sleep but your body was exhausted from the work these last few days.

In order to go downstairs you needed to go past Kiryu's bedroom and you could faintly hear a muttering. Something uncomfortable, like he was fighting away something. He kept groaning, like he was in terrible pain. You were naughty and you peaked through to his room. What marvelled you was how big it was compared to yours. It was huge with large windows and a large bed in the middle. In the bed lay Kiryu with sheets wrapped around his lower body.

Saying something was awkward, wasn't it? So you crept downstairs and further saw his aide and guards walking around. They perked up when they saw you and Kiryu's aide came up to you.

"Y/N? Are you okay?"

"I just couldn't sleep. I thought I'd get something to eat."

"Yeah? What would you like?" He went into the kitchen and you followed him.

You frowned. "I can make it myself."

"Oh, I insist." He smiled, removing his suit jacket and rolling his black sleeves up. On his upper body he also wore shoulder suspenders which held 2 guns on each side.

"I'm very fussy.." you began, with a straight back.

"Try me."

"Can I just have pasta?"

He smiled. Beginning to heat up pans and water. Meanwhile, you just sat on the counter awkwardly as you saw this dashing young man cooking. Which was unusual for you because the men you knew weren't good cooks.

"How long have you been with the Chairman?" You asked carefully, trying to get to know the people you'd be spending time with.

"A few months. I used to work with another family as a file & rank boy. My patriarch became the Chairman. Chairman Sera. The 3rd Chairman and I became his aide." The aide spoke, chopping onions with a large knife. Easily. "When Chairman Sera was killed my position was too valuable and The 4th chairman kept me."

"Don't you have a family?"

"I don't need one."

"Don't you get scared being around Kiryu?"

"No. I'm waiting to get shot." The aide laughed. His sense of humour was macabre. "The Chairman takes care of us all. That's why we're here. And I owe my life to him."

"What do you mean?"

"Saved me from dying. So, I'll stick by him through it." The aide explained, scooping the chopped vegetables into a large pan.

"You're a chef?" You teased.

"I'm many things. A secretary, a tour guide, a chef, a bodyguard, a barista, an assassin, a cocktail maker. Everything." He laughed joyously. "Multitalented. Multitasking."

"How admirable."

"Do you think? We only really start properly working at night."


"The chairman is strong enough to hold his own when he's awake.."

"I'm worried to think who'd try to hurt him when he's asleep."

"That's why we're here. What noodle do you like?"

"Small ones?"

"I see." The aide laughed. "You'll be disappointed with the Chairman then."



"Do you always carry guns?"

"Yes. If someone is trying to assassinate the chairman then I need to kill them. Fists won't do."

The pasta itself was delicious. And the aide made sure you ate it all whilst sitting with you. He talked to you calmly and patiently with the storm battering against the house. He could tell it bothered you. So when you finished eating, he gave you some valuable advice.

He picked up a dish towel, drying his hands. "If you ever need someone taking care of, make sure you ask me for a pen."

You frowned. "Taking care of? Asking you for a pen?"

He pulled a pen out of his pocket. "If someone is going to hurt you or trying to, I'll kill them."

"Hurt me?"

"Y/N. You're...vulnerable now. If it's not the Chairman's enemies, it'll be his exes. Someone will want to hurt you." The aide advised gently, holding his black fountain pen. Playing with it between his fingers. "And all you have to do is ask me for a pen."

"What will you do?"

He laughed, his eyes glassing over while putting the pen in his pocket. "You better get to bed now. If the Chairman finds out I've been keeping you up then he'll take my pinky."

"Really?" You gasped.

"I've only got one left."

Sleeping that night didn't happen. You couldn't stop wondering in what situation you might need a pen. It was an abusive nightmare. It niggled at the side of your head like a magnetic migraine. One that magnetised to the side of your head and couldn't go away.

Arising that morning didn't help. The sound of storms made your body feel sluggish and mind feel sore. It was incredibly mild inside and when you went downstairs you saw everyone gathered around the table. Kiryu sitting at the table, his aide stood behind him, his guards walking around.

Kiryu stood up, smiling. "Good morning."

"I didn't realise we had an audience."

"Ahh." Kiryu nervously scratched the back of his head. "I'm used to eating at my table alone. Please sit."

You did as you were told. The guards disappeared and the only person left was the aide. Whose face was completely flat and stern in comparison to last night. Kiryu dismissed him and he went, vanishing into the house. Shutting a door behind him signalling that you both were all alone.

Just the two of you...

"You know. We'll need to share a room from now on."

You I remained still whilst pouring yourself hot water against the green tea bag sitting in the white cup. "What?"

"We need to share a room now." Kiryu casually continued eating. "I made an excuse last night. The boys have noticed we're sleeping separate. They think we've argued."

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