Four Walls

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Four Walls
Themes of violence and graphic injury.
Screenshot belongs to madsscreenshots on tumblr.

"So this is Seoul..." Kazuma spoke to himself quietly.

"Yes, sir. Someone from the Jingweon should be here."

Kiryu looked around, admiring the scenery. You then appeared, wearing large sunglasses and a pretty sun hat. And both of you linked hands.

"제4대 대통령?" A man spoke. A man with a very delicate face and extremely large body. A man who did bodybuilding for a hobby. "저는 김입니다." Reigning taller than Kiryu's entire entourage, this was a man simply known as Kim.

"Kiryu frowned. "Are you okay?" He spoke in Japanese.

Kiryu's aide took the conversation from the tall man and held it himself knowing the chairman didn't understand.

"당신은 누구입니까?" Kiryu's aide asked.

"나는 네 번째 의장과 그의 관원을 수집하기 위해 보내졌다." Kim responded.

This was his arrogance to not learn another language. Meanwhile, your hands were tightly clasped together.

The aide then turned to Kiryu, acting as a translator. His blond/brown highlighted hair blowing in the wind. "This is a rep of the Jingweon." He explained.

And the car ride was in itself very interesting. Sitting in a very large car was you, Kiryu, his aide, his guards and Kim. Who was driving. Stern faced with his large arms about to burst through his black suit. Somehow, the thought of a large overpowering man made you cross your legs tighter. Never mind the large over powering man next to you. Who's girlfriend you were posing as.

"His name is Kim." The aide spoke. "Won Mr.Korea in 1999, worked in some tv programs, adverts, etc and formally retired from the profession in 2003."

"Hmm." You observed positively.

Kiryu frowned.

"나는 회장이 아름다운 여자를 데려올 것이라는 것을 몰랐다. 나는 더 잘 입었을 것이다." Kim spoke as he shifted in his seat, removing his tie and undoing the top few buttons of his black shirt.

Kiryu's aide frowned. "이것은 그의 여자 친구입니다." He responded.

Kiryu replicated the frown, turning the window that you were looking out of, suddenly a car began following the same speed and it's window rolled down. Revealing the barrel of a gun and a man wearing a balaclava. His flight or fight instinct kicked in, he pulled your head down along with his own as the bullets shattered the glass right on your backs.

Things took a turn for the worst, the car swerved and Kim sped up with Kiryu and you rolling around in the back. Kiryu's aides and guards fired a multitude of bullets out of the rolled down windows. The car pulled up again and now the window was broken, Kiryu took a gun from his aide and aimed to the opposing passenger. Shooting several times causing the man to fall limp in the seat with the force of something firing back at him.

"Ugh!" Kiryu groaned, falling back in his seat.

Bullets fired from the drivers cabinet, both the side and Kiryu's guards had continuously began firing and eventually the threat was killed. But Kiryu felt a surge of pain rush through his trigger hand. His free hand went to reach under his shirt, holding the site of the pain and removing his hand to see red.

He'd been shot.


You sat up and gasped, hands to your mouth and eyes wide. "He's been shot!" You yelped like a small puppy whose paw had been stepped on.

Kiryu's aide hopped over to the seats where Kiryu was laying, ripping open his shirt and exposing the entire wound. His aide tore the red cloth from the chairman's shirt to try and staunch the bleeding. Holding the Chairman's nearly limp body against his own.

"Try and stay awake, sir." His aide urged. He'd done this before, many times. But wasn't prepared to let Kiryu die. "Come on!" He shouted.

And just like that, Kiryu was unconscious. His body falling 100% limp.

"우리에겐 병원이 필요해!" Kiryu's aide instructed.

Kim nodded and began putting overdrive into the car to get everyone to hospital. Meanwhile, you were holding Kiryu's hand trying your hardest not to let go. Completely ignoring the fact that you'd suffered a flesh wound to your arm. The bullet that pierced Kiryu's chest had skimmed right past your arm and grazing your skin.

But in your height of thresholding adrenaline, you could fight the pain with this other emotion. Called fear. You were scared. Scared that this man you'd only let nearly a week ago would die.

When arriving at the hospital, you remained attached to Kiryu and felt your panic grow insane. What if he didn't survive, what if he hadn't made it out alive without some life changing figuration? Why did you care?

60 beats per minute is normal for an average, healthy human being. A lower heart rate at rest means you're healthier and probably an athlete.

Sat outside the operating theatre, Kiryu's aide had a resting heart rate of more than 160 due to the exhilarating and adrenaline rush. He was covered in blood, hadn't bothered to clean up and was patiently waiting. Parading back and forth, waiting for the chairman. Or even waiting for you whilst you patched up and got your stitches to your arm. He spent most of his waking hours waiting for orders. This was a bit different.

Pulling his phone from his bloodied pocket, past his gun suspenders, Kiryu's aide called Kashiwagi. The captain of the Tojo clan.

"Hello?" Kiryu's aide spoke. "Kashiwagi-san, is that you?"

"Yes, is everything ok?"

"The chairman's been shot." Kiryu's aide sighed with his head hung low. As if it were his own fault.

"What? How?"

"Drive by. I'm not sure who it was. A rep of the Jingweon Mafia didn't seem to know either."

"That's not good. Where are you all now?"

"Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital."

"Okay. Give me updates on his condition. I'll hold a meeting with the leaders."

"Yes, sir."

Meanwhile in the operating theatre, two surgeons and their respective assistants were working on the lean man laying on their operating table. It was an intricate task and they'd spent the last few hours performing various tests to make sure that 37 year old Kazuma Kiryu of Japan, who was a smoker and pleasure drinker, hadn't damaged any vital organs. I.e his heart, his liver, his lungs, his stomach.

The bullet was carefully removed and in amongst the silence of the theatre (along with a rhythmic beeping of a heart monitor), it clinked down onto a metal tray.

One surgeon emerged from the room to greet Kiryu's aide who was patiently waiting.

"그는 지금 회복 중입니다." The surgeon smiled whilst removing his gloves

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