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Talking about the issue at hand wasn't ever easy. But Kiryu was determined to see what you had to say for yourself. His dining table in his apartment was often where the most difficult conversations happened. His entire entourage was dismissed for tonight.

Kiryu was leaning against the head chair with a glass of cold alcohol in his hand while you were sat to the right also holding a glass but of water. Sipping it occasionally to keep your throat wet so you could continue explaining yourself beneath his intense stare to the side of your head.

"I didn't cheat on you." You admitted. "I said it to get a reaction."

"Did you get the one you wanted?" Kiryu asked.


"And if I was someone else, you could've ruined something quite great."

"What do you mean?"

"I know you didn't cheat on me. I know where you are at every point of your day. I know where your feet take you and where you stop. Where you dig through your bag, which shop windows you stare into." Kiryu explained very easily.

"Well, that's good I guess." You mumbled.

"But your words hurt me a lot." Kiryu admitted, a slight sadness to his face. "I felt...disrespected and unloved." He further admitted. Which was unusual because he rarely delved into his true feelings for anyone. He was used to bottling things up as men did.

You were silent.

"To know that you could fork tongue me so quickly was upsetting. Especially when it's concerning our child. It's never just yours or mine. It's ours. We both made this child. Whether we want to admit it or not."


"Now if you don't want to be with me then that's fine. But you're still carrying my child. So I'll do whatever I can to make sure your ok."


"I like to think I'm very forgiving." Kiryu shrugged. "I never kill and I'm stupid enough to give my enemies their 2nd chances." He then looked down to his drink. "Even after being shot, being stabbed, being in prison."


"So if you're able to lie to me about that so easily, why should I trust you?" Kiryu asked. "How do I know that you won't my child against me like a weapon."

"I wouldn't ever." You defended.

"Do I know that?" Kiryu asked.

"Kiryu, you felt totally okay piling your responsibilities on my head!"

"My responsibilities? Do you know what they are?"

You hesitated, your breath stuck in your throat.

"It's carrying nearly 100,000 men. It's ensuring that the businesses I own shares in are performing and generating profit, it's making sure each of my families are running their areas correctly." Kiryu explained. "All I did for you was give you a consistent income to raise my child and look after yourself in case I'm not around anymore."

"It doesn't sound like an easy job."

"It's not."

"Then why do you do it?"

"Because I'm a fuck up." Kiryu shrugged. "And I saw my adoptive father do it."

"And you think it's safe to raise a child like this?"

"I never said it was. That's why I'm trying to protect you."

"Then maybe we shouldn't be together." You suggested delicately.


"I don't think it's safe to raise a child like this. Being around you is dangerous. And I don't want our child getting hurt." You explained very very gently. "If you get killed, what will we do?"


"Look, you can come and see your child any time. I won't stop you." You further explained. "But being so close to you everyday is giving me an anxiety I can't explain."

"I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"Yeah but how are you going to do that if you're dead?" You quizzed. "I'm not saying you will be. But you get injured, it can be life threatening for you."

You drank some water.

"It's tiring keeping up with you. And if I'm pregnant, I'm going to get bigger. People will notice even though you don't want them too. So where can you hide me? I'm a person."

Kiryu's mind began ticking. Like a clock, running through its darkest hours. You retired to bed shortly after with Kiryu saying you needed rest, you'd been on your feet all evening and that wasn't good for your body especially wearing high heels. You handed him the red book and he sat down on his balcony.

It had basic notes, the expected due date, the date of your last period (approx), your weight, height, gender, birthday, etc. But these things only fuelled his thoughts more. And Kiryu lit a cigarette and took out his phone, dialling a number.

"Hello?" The deep voice asked.

"It's me."


"The Fourth Chairman."

"I see Thank you for calling! What can I do for you?" The voice then scattered quickly to retrieve the strings of the call. It would leave the person on the end richer.

"I need to see you tomorrow. It's important."

"Come by any time. I'll be at pink street."

The next day Kiryu stopped by his accountant, without telling him, but patiently waiting because he'd not told his accountant beforehand that he'd be coming. His accountant had a singular office sitting above a restaurant and one singular receptionist who doubled as an assistant and his mistress. Kiryu knew they were fucking because whenever he invited his accountant to a party she often came with him. Rather than his wife. But some things were best kept brushed under the carpet. It wasn't anything to do with Kiryu.

"Can I get you anything, chairman?" The receptionist asked. Her cleavage hanging low as she leant down to Kiryu, her glasses low on her nose.

"No, thank you." Kiryu shook his head.

Kiryu had a rough idea of how much money he needed but he'd take half now and half when the job was done. This was the first time he was actively doing this from the beginning rather than just executing the deal.

"How much do you need, sir?" The accountant asked curiously.

"6 million."

"Very well, sir. Buying anything nice?" The accountant asked, walking over to his safe which stored Kiryu's accounts and financial records. Somewhere where nobody could see the tracks that were covered.

"A new house." Kiryu lied.

The accountant rarely asked questions and wrote down the false reasons why Kiryu would withdraw such large sums of money occasionally. With the money being counted through the machine, the notes flicked through in speed to ensure each note was accounted for. Once it had stopped the accountant had to put another stack in till the machine read 6 million.

The notes were laid in a silver metal brief case incredibly neatly and locked shut for Kiryu to take with him.

"Happy house hunting, chairman." The accountant bowed, holding the brief case with both hands.

"Thank you." Kiryu took the money and left.

The Chairman's Girlfriend (REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now