Blue Butterfly

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Blue Butterfly

Back in Tokyo it was a fairly somber day with Kiryu filling Kashiwagi in on what happened with the Omi. It wasn't eventful, it was more so of a let-me-fill-you-in type of meeting. It went well, it just wasn't necessary and not something to rattle the snakes for.

"Sir. I have a man on the phone for you." Kiryu's aide interrupted, holding the phone.


"His name is Yun Jun."

Kiryu frowned. "And? I'm a bit busy." Usually Kiryu dismissed cold callers and people he didn't recognise straight away.

"It's about Y/N."

"What? Is it one of her friends?" Kiryu asked, usually they would ask for money or a favour.

"No...I think you should take the call, sir."

Taking the phone Kiryu put it to his ear. "Hello?"

"Is this the current chairman of the Tojo?" A voice aged between 18-24 asked, riddled with anxiety and shake.

"Yes it is."

"Well. I have pictures of your current girlfriend. Y/N."

Kiryu's eyes widened. "Pictures? That's a given."

"What do you mean?" Yun grew angry.

"Everyone has pictures of my girlfriend. She's been in the newspaper. She's very pretty."

"I don't mean those pictures, chairman!" Yun shouted. But still showed Kiryu some respect. "She dated me before you and let me take some sexy pictures. I'd hate for these to get in the wrong hands."

"I don't have time for this. I'm a very busy man."

"Doesn't she have a small tattoo on her shoulder of a butterfly and a belly button piercing?"

Kiryu's wide eyes turned into the most horrific frown. One that often scared his opponents. His jaw tightened. You did have both of those things. Things only someone who'd seen you intimately would know.

"If you want these pictures, make sure you meet me tomorrow at Stardust. 10:30pm. And I want ¥80000." He hung up.

Kiryu put his phone down and sighed.

"Kiryu...about Y/N." Kashiwagi began.

"What about her?"

"Did she tell you who her father was?"

Kiryu frowned. Not really able to pay attention. "No. Her parents are dead."

"I dug into her background a bit more...she was adopted."

"Adopted?" Kiryu asked, now suddenly paying close attention. Never mind the lingering doom above his head.

"Yes. Her parents adopted her when she was only a few months old."

"Right." Kiryu played with his watch strap.

"Her real father was Chairman Sera."

Kiryu stopped day dreaming and began paying close attention. Staring right at Kashiwagi, who was smoking a cigarette.

"I didn't mean to pry, Kiryu." Kashiwagi began justifying. "It was something that just sort of came up..."

"How does something like that just come up?"

"Well when Chairman Sera died, a lot of his wealth was named to a girl who's name nobody knew."

"And her name was Y/N?"

"No, her name was different. Her adoptive parents changed her name."

Hot commodity. If people found out Kiryu's girlfriend was the Third Chairman's daughter, all hell would break loose and then some. Of course, it was a hot secret. Your name was different now.

"What did he leave?"

"A deed to a house in Okinawa and a lot of money from the Nikkyo Consortium."

"Does Kuneida know that?"

"No." Kashiwagi shook his head and dropped his ashes into the ashtray on his wooden desk. "Nobody knows. Apart from me and you. The house is called Anghara."


"It's a house which is sitting in the middle of nowhere. It has a river running through it." Kashiwagi sat forward and pressed his cigarette into the ashtray. "It's priceless."


"Chairman Sera built it for her." Kashiwagi explained. "Everything in that house was made for her."

With the conversation still swirling in his mind like a large glass of alcohol, Kiryu now had to see his accountant with a large wad of cash. To clean and safely transport to Kiryu's bank account without having to worry too much about who suspected it. Of course Yun wouldn't be walking and not with the money he'd asked for. Or his legs. So there was no point withdrawing it.

Meeting the account himself was a hassle. Sitting in his office, Kiryu had his eyes closed resting back still wondering what to do. It was spinning in his head like a broken record which had no music but somehow hadn't been removed off the vinyl player. As if he came to no conclusion whatsoever.

The accountant open the door and bowed right in front of Kiryu. Apologising profusely about keeping the Chairman waiting and that he was so grateful the Chairman even waited for him.

"I need this cleared." Kiryu sighed, pointing to the brief case on the desk.

"Yes sir." The accountant began his work. "How have you been, sir?"

Kiryu opened his eyes, staring right at the accountant who was busy counting the money. "Good."

"I heard you were shot. What happened, sir?" The accountant asked after feeding the money through an electronic counting device which made the satisfying sound of notes flicking together. It separated each amount to the 1000.

"Work accident."

"I see. I also got an application from an estate agent. Are you buying a night club, sir?"

Kiryu stood up and walked to the window, staring out of it and sighing. Beautiful Roppongi. Another district which provided him with a hot bed of money.


"Very good, sir. I'll process that for you as well."

Kiryu left and began the journey home.

"Sir?" His aide asked from the passenger seat next to the driver. "I've found where Jun is holed up."


"In an apartment in pink street, Kamurocho. I can send someone to get him, Chairman...."

"No, let me see him tonight." Kiryu dismissed. "If he's called me asking for such a low amount, he must be desperate for cash."

"His father is a well known property developer. His uncle owns a well know Chinese restaurant chain in Tokyo. He's also a triad." The aide cautioned. "It could be a set up."

"Interesting." Kiryu pondered. "We'll need to go undercover then won't we?"


"Yeah. Undercover."

"That's going to be difficult, sir."

"Why? Aren't you coming with me? You'll have to take the lead on this one. But I'll worry about it later. Let me get home to Y/N."

The Chairman's Girlfriend (REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now