The Walk on Water

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The Walk on Water

It was almost in slow motion. Watching you fall from the stern and right down into the water with the drop of gravity. The yacht was grand and large, so it took minutes for you to fall through the black water riddled with surface tension. Tearing through, your body appeared on the black surface straight away.

In the distance Kiryu heard a commotion and went over to the stern where Majima was tearing his suit and shirt off.

"What happened?" Kiryu asked very calmly.

"Y/N fell." Majima advised in hurry, getting ready to jump.

This was all Kiryu needed to hear. Without any hesitation Kiryu removed his suit, his shirt, his shoes and dove straight in after you. But you weren't below the water. You were floating on the surface miles away and there wasn't any lifeboats abroad deliberately but on the water was a small dingy.

Swimming to you was priority and this put his entire body into overdrive. He pushed himself to get to you as you kept floating away. As his whole being kicked into survival mode, Kiryu didn't notice the temperature of the water. And by this point your body had gone just below the surface. Kiryu hoisted you over his shoulder and realised how far he was away from the yacht but how close he was to the dingy. With no time to waste, Kiryu swam to the dingy. Putting you on it and tying the rope around his waist to begin swimming ashore.

When you woke up you were in hospital, the consistent noise of beeping and the harsh white ceiling caused your ears to hurt and eyes to burn. You turned over and saw a window.

You couldn't feel your body at first and then you did. It was slow and incredibly cold. You felt sheepish for what you'd done. You'd caused such a scene for no reason and put yourself at risk. Not just yourself but your baby too. Overall, you felt okay enough to move. And you did, sitting up right.

Rolling your neck, you put your cold feet to the floor and walked. Slowly. To the outside of the room and into the corridor which was quiet. You couldn't see anyone you knew. You couldn't see a single soul. And then suddenly a nurse appeared in your vision, smiling.

"You're awake! Let's get you back to bed-." She went to urge.

"No! Where is my boyfriend?"

The nurse frowned. "Kiryu Kazuma?"

"Yes! I couldn't have come here alone."

She took you to the next room where you peeked through the window. Kiryu was laying flat on the bed with an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. Eyes closed.

"What happened to him?"

"Pulmonary oedema." The nurse explained, holding your shoulders. "He had water in his lungs."


The nurse held you up by your shoulders as your legs wobbled. "Come, let's go back to your room."

You sat down and drank some water, regaining your composure. "What did he do?" You asked properly.

"He swam you to shore, miss." The nurse explained, sitting next to you. "You fell into water and were unconscious."

"Is my baby okay?" You asked, recounting that conversation with Majima.

"Yes, your baby is fine." The nurse smiled.

"Which hospital is this?"

"Chubu hospital in Okinawa."

"Okinawa?" You frowned. "What are we doing out here? We were only in Tokyo?!"

"Well the Chairman has admitted you into our birthing home for when you're ready to give birth. You're already a patient of ours and so is he."

"In Okinawa?"



The nurse frowned and shrugged. "You'll have to ask the Chairman when he's awake."

It felt like days for him to wake up. When in reality it was only 1. You sat by his bedside in your hospital gown and waited patiently. Watching him and holding his hand. Just listening to him breathe was incredibly peaceful because you knew he was alive. But you had such a looming guilt wandering over your head regarding the fact that he'd tried to save you. He could've easily died or drowned, or even let you die or drown. So why didn't he?

When Kiryu did wake up he had his breath and he had regained his posture but it was slow and staggering. He found it hard to talk but managed to do so with quiet breaths.

"Are you okay?" You gently asked, stroking his hand.

"Are you?" He asked back with tired, sunken eyes. "Why did you jump?"

"I was going to. And then Majima stopped me. I went to grab his hand but slipped."

"Why did you want to jump?"

"Did you cheat on me with Narumi?"

Kiryu sighed and closed his eyes. "No, she tried."


"Narumi wanted to move part of her enterprise into Miami. I didn't agree. She thought by sleeping with me it would make me change my mind."

"I see. So why are we in Okinawa, Kazuma? It's a long way from Tokyo." You asked quietly.

He turned to you and stroked your hair. "We have to separate."

Your heart sank. "Separate?"

He nodded. "There's an orphanage here. Morning Glory. It needs a new proprietor. And I need to retire my Chairmanship."

"Why, Kazuma?"

"Because I almost lost you. And I don't want to loose anyone. Especially not my baby." He explained. "There's a bag on the chair. It has a new passport for you, some money and the deed to the orphanage."

"Kazuma..." you pleaded.

He began reassuring. "If I'm retiring then I'll need to swear someone new in. It takes time. Just be patient. A life in Okinawa is what we need."

"Why all of a sudden?" You asked with little tears in your eyes, your bottom lip quivering.

"It's been a few weeks." Kiryu laughed gently.

"You will come back to us. Won't you? To me and Haruka?"

"Of course I will. I can't leave you both behind. I'll finally get to be a proper father."

So in a stunning turn of events you were now to remain in Okinawa while Kiryu, once in good health, jetted back to Tokyo.

The orphanage was on Morning Glory road and right at the beach front which was so idyllic. Deep down you knew some of your best memories would be made here with all these beautiful children. You were now adding your own to that small family.

When you pushed the gate open all the children hesitated at first. They watched you look around aimlessly.

"Hello." You stopped and smiled. "My name is...Neela." You introduced, using your new name.

With an instant all the children came running up to you in a herd. Hugging you. Their little faces glimmering, their teeth smiling, laughter echoing from their voices.

"Are you the new owner?"

"We're so excited to meet you!"

"You're so pretty!"

"Will you be looking after us, miss?"

You smiled and wrapped them all in your arms. "Yeah, I am and I will."

"And is there someone else?"

"There is. He'll be here in a few weeks."

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